Right. I'm coming out. I attend meetings; all of them. Even handle some talks. But don't believe in blood. And that everything written's from Jah himself. Don't hold any human in awe. Sifts through the Watchtower and believe what I think's true. Know a bit of JW history per prophecies and dates. 1874, 1914, 1918, 1925, 1975, 1999/2000, plus all the stuff most elders in my cong don't. And, well, associate with you apostates and inactive ones in virtual reality (you guys and gals 'll be responsible if anything happens to Gozz!!) And do have JW friends. Good guys. Great gals. Wish to marry a good JW girl. Many of the girls're good...Love the brothers, sisters at the hall. They're humble folks, serving God the best they can. But. These posts, these thoughts. If elders see them I'm an apostate, no? I wanna know. Is Gozz, even by the standards of this board leading a double life?? But I want to remain a JW all the same doing things my way and doing Jehovah's will. Impossible task??
Double Life??
by Gozz 23 Replies latest jw friends
why do you want to be a jw? do you believe it is the only true religion..despite the false prophicies? you seem to want to be a jw..no matter what. that in itself could be a danger.
imho, our salvation does not come down to what group or church we are connected too, it is a personal one-on-one deal. look at paul..he was pretty much on his own, tho he had folks helping him out, he reported to no persons or group or body of elders....or do i have this wrong?
what does God want from us? what is His will for our lives? to be a member of a church or group who CLAIMS to be the right religion?'
but any group who tells you to shun those no longer members or that ALL of the rest of the world is evil and wrong has a few problems..namely control. what does that have to do with GOD?
and to label us as apostates without knowing us shows the degree of brainwashing you have succumbed to. i know, i was that way at one time too.
and why do you not believe in blood?? it's coursing thru your viens as we speak..
where is the freedom you should experinece as a christain...you are on the fence my friend -
A double life.
I don't see anything wrong in that. I've stated my opinions several times on this subject. I think you should fade out, not blast out. No need to tell them your private thoughts or write a formal letter, in my opinion. This will give you more time with your friends there, and if you are inanactive, but not confrontive, they may still talk to you. That's what I did it, and it worked as well as can be expected.
I think you should be able to live your life as you see fit. If you don't believe you are jeopardizing your OWN integrity, then go for it. But IMHO, it would be a HARD way of life, being that you would never be able to express your true feeling without being labelled spiritually weak.
Happy to be Free (Me)
on thinking more about your post...why would you trust your fate to man? in being a jw , you have done this( or any group who dictates policy over and above God's word) and dictate they do....by labeling former members as apostates, requiring full discloser and details on supposed sins committed, seeking out past attendees to see what they are doing( to see if they need to be df'd)so as not to stumble or reproach Gods name(ha-ha)
limit your talents and gifts by keeping you too busy to develop anything that may be frowned upon by jw policy( this changes from year to year-decade to decade)
serving up guilt trips to make sure you peddle the publications in a timely manner...and report how much time you actually spent doing it. -
Just an opinion gozz....
You stated that there are a ton of nice JW girls. There were a ton of nice JW boys too. Quite a few of whom I dated. The most irresponsible creatures I'd ever seen. Planning for the future was a non-issue, because the big A was supposed to be here before the year 2000.
So many nice JW boys, that's why I married a worldly man. Well grounded, takes care of his responsibilities and gives back to the community.
Now, to me, *THAT'S* nice.
I understand where you are coming from because I too spent some years in a state of limbo. I can quite understand why you would want to keep a foot in both camps. There are many benefits to being a JW. My younger brother is an elder and seems happy to remain so. We are good friends and stay with each other for weekends. We avoid disscusing our differences and I have no desire to influence him. It is his life.
My only question to you is - Who are you trying to kid? All those precious Sundays sacrificed in the name of service to God. If you don't really accept that it is God's organization then according to the WT you will die at Armageddon anyway.
Life is too short to waste like that. In time you will have to make a choise.
'Your not really here for the hunting are you.'
Gozz .. you do what you have to..only...
A JW will look to you as a fellow believer, they will ask advice, you will marry a JW who believes totally...your marriage will not be honest.
you will spend the rest of your life in a lie.
If I were a JW and needed help from you, only to find out later you lied....your whole life was a sham....I'd be pissed.
and its your loss.
i just want to say that it is your life and you must live it. if you can stand living a lie then that's what you do. i think though that sometime in the future you will realize you no longer can live a lie. one of the most important things we can all do for ourselves is to be honest in who we are.
what happens when you have kids? would you raise them as jws?
it may be appealing to have this dual existance but at one point you will begin to hate it and what it has done to you. but it is up to you to decide. good luck:)love harmony
well its nice to meet you, watch out for the splinters from sitting on the fence though,
word of warning as you can gather big brother watches over here :-)
wouldnt use the same name if you sign on to be a member of WOL and hang out with your other friends ;-)