When he doesn't know I'm watching and he is playing or reading to our daughter (toddler). He is so loving, and in awe of her.*sigh* I love that man.
C2F, you write poetry? He sees the you in the toddler. Happy for you for what you've got.
my wife looks her most angelic when she's sleeping.
what about your significant others......what is the most beautiful time of day, or occasion that makes them look astounding, ethereal, beautiful, angelic?.
When he doesn't know I'm watching and he is playing or reading to our daughter (toddler). He is so loving, and in awe of her.*sigh* I love that man.
C2F, you write poetry? He sees the you in the toddler. Happy for you for what you've got.
one factor that helped me see the watchtower in a different light was reading information about judge rutherford.. i found out that what the society says about rutherford, and what apparently the reality was were two different things.. the first thing that amazed me was finding out that while he was president of the society, and probably even before, he never went out in service.
his often quoted words, advertise!
More that 6 decades later, the words of the letters are still somewhat true. One of the shortest cuts to losing one's sanity is to believe the injurious lie that some men speak for God, or that the Watchtower Society is God's Channel of communication...
The Watchtower Society remains in Rutherford's chains. Unfortunately, to break away would mean to destroy the Watchtower phenomenon. Just as there's 'no honourable way to leave the Watchtower', there seem to be no honourable way for the Watchtower to undo it's attachment to the evils of the Rutherford era.
Defender, thanks for those links. And more thanks to Farkel and Doug. More thanks still Olin Myle and Walter Salter, men who refused to let the voice die in them.
on the way home from a function last night, an old song from the 80's came on the radio.....flashback time.. dad: you can not listen to that song!.
sister: why not dad?.
dad: because it is like the society says!
Anyone knows anything about backmasking?
*** w83 10/15 11-15 Beware of Music That Debases! ***
8 There have also been recordings of unscriptural and even demonistic messages by means of a technique called backward masking, used by a number of musical groups. When the recording of one very popular song is played backward, it repeatedly says, “Decide to smoke marijuana.” If played backward, another popular recording carries this message: “I will sing because I live with Satan. . . . There’s no escaping it, my sweet Satan.”
9 Normally, of course, people do not play recordings in reverse. Yet, when listening to certain musical records, either unscriptural or demonic ideas may be absorbed by a mind left open to improper suggestion.
"jehovahs organization.... should influence our every decision.".
"....idolatrous worshipers of a man made organization..." wt 12/1/1971 p.723.
more dumb-ass quotes to come!.
Thank you butalbee. Here is the full paragraph containing that quote. again, Watchtower will quote any moron to support their dumb arguments. It's from the Wachtower of September 15, 1961, page 564.
*** w61 9/15 564 Using Life in Harmony with the Will of God ***
16 When the Israelites were preparing to enter the Promised Land, Jehovah moved Moses to repeat to them his law forbidding the consumption of blood. As recorded at Deuteronomy 12:25, he said: “You must not eat it, in order that it may go well with you and your sons after you, because you will do what is right in Jehovah’s eyes.” An edition of the Pentateuch edited by J. H. Hertz has a footnote on that expression “that it may go well with you,” which says: “Ibn Ezra suggests that the use of blood would have a demoralising effect upon the moral and physical nature, and pass on a hereditary taint to future generations.” The point is an interesting one, and that it may apply in the matter of blood transfusions is testified to by medical doctors. For example, in his book Who Is Your Doctor and Why? Doctor Alonzo Jay Shadman says: “The blood in any person is in reality the person himself. It contains all the peculiarities of the individual from whence it comes. This includes hereditary taints, disease susceptibilities, poisons due to personal living, eating and drinking habits. . . . The poisons that produce the impulse to commit suicide, murder, or steal are in the blood.” And Dr. Américo Valério, Brazilian doctor and surgeon for over forty years, agrees. “Moral insanity, sexual perversions, repression, inferiority complexes, petty crimes—these often follow in the wake of blood transfusion,” he says. Yet it is acknowledged in the public press that organizations whose blood supply is considered reliable obtain blood for transfusion from criminals who are known to have such characteristics. Certainly no one who is trying to depart from the works of the flesh and use his life in the way that God directs through his Word is going to lay himself open to such a ruinous future.—Rom. 12:2; Eph. 4:22-24.
by what authority, and on what scriptural basis, does the gb disregard the apostolic decree - to abstain from blood?
why do they support the blood industry whose factories take countless gallons of blood - in clear violation of the command that blood must be poured out - and extract vast numbers of extracts for medical usage.
where in scripture is the gb given the authority to violate god's law to noah and the apostolic decree?.
By what authority, and on what scriptural basis, does the GB disregard the Apostolic Decree - to abstain from blood?
The GB violates the Apostolic Decree to abstain from blood only in their misleading interpretation of that decree. The Apostolic Decree was a reaffirmation of what has already been stated in Mosaic law.
Why do they support the blood industry whose factories take countless gallons of blood - in clear violation of the command that blood must be poured out - and extract vast numbers of extracts for medical usage. Where in scripture is the GB given the authority to violate God's law to Noah and the Apostolic Decree?The practise of blood donation/storage can hardly be described as a violation of God's law to Noah. The Noachian prohibition on blood cannot be conclusively argued to apply to the situation. Genesis 9:3,4. states:
Every moving animal that is alive may serve as food for YOU. As in the case of green vegetation, I do give it all to YOU. Only flesh with its soul—its blood—YOU must not eat.That statement clearly concerns what Noah could not do with the blood of animals he killed. That prohibition is specific. There are interesting posibilities for what Noah could do with blood. It is only under Mosaic Law that the bible indicates blood to be sacred, with the specific use of the atonement of sins in animal sacrifices.
daniel 8 for dummies - part 2: "the watchtower strikes back" .
i've posted this one before, but it's been updated and is especially geared for you true believing dubbies out there.
what i'm going to discus is important even though you may not have the attention span to digest it, because this is your religion and what it still teaches.
The totally crackpot doctrine I'm going to present is still official doctrine of the Watchtower society, although it is rarely mentioned anymore (for good reason)
You're almost right there Farkel, except that these explanations are in the current version of the Daniel Prophecy Book. I remember asking the BSC then: how could Jehovah be called the Prince of Princes, and if he would use that title in a prayer on the platform. He said it was light, that it would shine more as the journey in the path of truth progresses. There was no way to argue that brilliant explanation.
1 thess.
5:19 "do not put out the fire of the spirit.".
...he accepted a Bible study, but without literature.
Can you stick to your bible? Then your monthly report will have nothing for literature... you won't last long on that path. Deep within you, you know you must place some literature, somehow, to make things complete.
He is a humble man...Which means he's currently agreeing with you. Since you're a JW and you call him a humble man, my heart bleeds for this man. He's either naive or misinformed, which here means the same as being uninformed. He is on the way to making his life more complicated than it is.
why are witnessess persecuted?
most religions out there have this thing against witnesses.
many will do anything to get them banned or to shut their mouths.
Why are Witnessess persecuted?
******Witnesses have redefined persecution. Anyone not agreeing with them is a persecutor.
Most religions out there have this thing against Witnesses.
******Witnesses have everything against all other religions. Imagine trying to tell everyone else that you're right, and they're wrong. And you tell them to their face. I'm calling to mind a particularly provocative article in either Awake! or the Watchtower; it was entitled 'One Religion will Survive', or something like that. Witnesses make themselves an easy target.
Many will do anything to get them banned or to shut their mouths.
******The better. They speak shocking things, cause friction and make others uncomfortable wherever they are. Plus, they are always right.
Even in news articles, if someone did something and they are JWs, it will be mentioned. If they were members of any other religion, no mention of their affiliations are made.
******And rightly so. Witnesses wear the badge of holiness like the mark of Cain. They would tell everyone how well they uphold bible standars and keep their congregations clean. They place themselves on a pedestal, like a city on a hill. You can't claim so much and dislike being held up to the same scrutiny.
sorry to everyone if i was rude in chat or in posting tonight, excepct for that poster "no censorship" who should be shot on sight.
my dad passed away today and i am oh so tired of people dying on me this year.
i don't say this to make an excuse, i just wanted you all to know.
There is certainly a note of seriousness about YOUR post here, the same as there was in mine here: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=17451&site=3
Shame on you! Did you read Kevin's post here at all? He says something about his dad. Did you see it?
Not that I'm not sorry to hear about your fatherOh, you are. I see you shedding tears of pain. You analyse scripture. And for 4 days you've kept this in your belly?
calling all lost sheep!
it is not too late.
i have been an observer of this site for some time now.
so how many hours on the slip yet? You're counting time here, ehn? Bad tactic. You're cheating.