VOR, yeah, most times. But it's more of experience being voiced here.
Posts by Gozz
Pierced Tongue
by Yerusalyim inmy 45 year old wife went out and had her tongue pierced on friday, the 13th.
i say it's mid life crisis, reclaiming her spoiled youth.
however...there are the suppossed benefits that come with this....so, come on guys...is all the hype about oral from a pierced tongue what they make it out to be?
In The End----What Will JWD Be Known For?
by minimus inwhen h2o and a few other boards were around, a few years back, they all became known for something unique.
h2o was where you went to see some great debates and really learn how to disprove the "truth".
randy's site was one of the first places that gave snippets of all the local ex and jw gossip, for the week.
JWD has had a unique history, and is presently mutating. What?s happening, one hopes, is a passing phase in its evolution. I?ve read somewhere that the owners of the board have said JWD is becoming exactly what they?d hoped it would be. Many would remember JWD as a landing pad upon their exit from the WTS, a place where they met strangers, some of whom became friends for life, others who became foes. It?ll be remembered as a place where people learnt things by discussing with others who?d been in the hole before them (there?s lots of good material in the archives); others ?ll remember JWD as a place that replayed the politics of the WTS, but that politics is also played elsewhere, everywhere, in the real world. Some others will remember JWD as metaphor for power that corrupts, and absolute power that corrupts absolutely. My experience here has been based on recent history, but you ask about the future? who knows? Thoughtful thread, Minimus, there?s a certain way personal experience makes many of us (re)act. All theories are shades of grey, but life?s lessons of experience are green. You are not, I think.
I'm 68 Today-Picture
by Undecided inmy kids came down for my birthday today.
i really enjoy them coming down, they are so loving to me.
i'm one lucky oldfart to have them.
Happy Birthday Ken.
Many more happy years.
by Yerusalyim inthe taxes filed thread got me to thinking....what say we here in the us go to a flat tax....18% for those who make over $35,000 a year...no deductions.
You mean you guys don't pay FLAT TAX?? And Yeru, you recommend 18% flat for guys making above $35,000 p.a.?? Bizarre. On this side of the pool, you pay sth from 33% flat on your salary, no deductions. I should take a huge pay cut and move to America.
Comments You Won't Hear at the 01-18-04 WT Study
by blondie in"show yourselves thankful".
(psalm 133:1)(c ).
in what practical ways can we demonstrate that we are truly thankful?.
Thanks jgnat for that clarification.
Concerning field service and meeting attendance being not optional: is it not true that some Bethel Staff, particularly governing body members, do not go out in the field ministry? And I thing the Writing Dept ought to modify (or expand) the non-optional field service requirement to be/include "reporting time is not optional". The WTS is more concerned about time reported than the preaching itself.
Comments You Won't Hear at the 01-18-04 WT Study
by blondie in"show yourselves thankful".
(psalm 133:1)(c ).
in what practical ways can we demonstrate that we are truly thankful?.
I heard there was a paragraph, or two paragraphs that have no sciptures quoted at all in that article. Considering that the WTS is obsessed with quoting/citing scriptures in all their writing, it's most probable that those paragraphs 're evidently (buzz word, apologies Blondie...) human thinking. Usually, I'd watch of of sriptureless paragraphs; they habour convoluted reasonings, and perhaps droppings of something 'new' yet to make it through the blinking dim light.
by Stefanie ini was just remembering in the hall i attended, the "friends" would clap when someone got reinstated, then they stopped when there was a talk from the platform about it being inappropriate.
i was just wondering why they say something like that.
and it would seem to me that people going back in were doing them a favor, why would they be so cruel.
There might be any number of other reasons, but in a hall I used to attend, it was clear when someone was reinstated that it represented a victory for a faction of sorts in the KH, especially when the elders have been thought to be unkind, and the person concerned was loved by many. The Society wouldn't like that: why give glory to a human while Jehovah is there? The parable of the prodigal son is missed on them. Reinstatement, like every other such occasion (sp?) must be solemn, no, sad. Of course, clapping is appropriate for the "auxilliary 'pioneer'". Hypocrites.
CNN Question
by Beans ini was watching cnn when i was in mexico and they had a very interesting question to the viewers so i was wondering what your answer would be?.
since no weapons of mass destruction have not been found should blair and bush be tried in a world court for the actions and be held responsible for all the killing?.
Since no weapons of mass destruction have not been found should Blair and Bush be tried in a world court for the actions and be held responsible for all the killing
That's enough reason for them not to be tried. If it's true, that is.
WT Bookshelf CD - I need your help!
by observador inhello folks,.
i saw here and downloaded the other day the wt bookshelf cd (i think it was englishman who posted it?
) but couldn't find the thread.
"No special software is necessary", I've been told. Thanks, NN.
Which Bible Translation is Currently the MOST Accurate in Your Opinion?
by Frannie Banannie ini really wanna know.
i need the most accurate version to refer to in order to continue a project i'm working on.
frannie b
But is it true that CoC provides no 'evidence', other than the words of Ray Franz, about the members of the committee?