trevor, you lucky bastard!
I just love a lady that likes to do the driving; and better if I think she'd good enough for me to fall asleep too.
seriously, there are more women dubs than men.
lot's more as i recall.
why would women be attracted to join such a chauvinistic, patriarchal and mysogenist religious group?
trevor, you lucky bastard!
I just love a lady that likes to do the driving; and better if I think she'd good enough for me to fall asleep too.
i didn't go to the district convention this year.
my mom however did and she sends out a daily text email every day.
she asked all members of the email group to share their favorite part of the convention.
Very funny. Conducting a bible study with an someone classified "inactive". I can just see the elder talking and about to open whatever broxhure they're studying now, and the heavily pissed Inactive telling him".. heck, I know all that shit..." lol. Stoopid. If someone's leaving because of the UN/DPO issue, yeah, reading "What does God Require of Us" will really do it for them. Stupid.
this is fun!.
Hey! Some of you guys 're sure cheating with steroids!
right so being single and being free to look and date the male species i'm sad to announce that there really is no much of a choice out there.
perhaps i'm not looking in the right places, or perhaps i just don't do it for these men.
anyway what do you look for in a guy.
may be this is a cultural/regional thing; but it's not uncommon for ladies around Scandinavia to feel (and show by some recognizable facial reaction or body language) that it's condescending to hold the door for them. I don't mean on a date. A colleague from Western Europe recently complained about sth like this. Now, I don't mean to make a sweeping generalization, but it appears the number of those ladies objecting to this gentlemanly act is qute significant around here.
it's been commented on several times on this forum, but it would seem that the billions of hours lavished by jws in purportedly getting their message to the public has been a dismal failure, at least if measured by the extent to which they've been able get their core beliefs (i.e., god's kindom has been established invisibly in 1914 and you had better get with our program or face annihilation -- and soon) -- across to the public.
take a look at some of the front-page titles of this current year's magazines (especially the awake!
which most jws like to feature in preference to the wt) and ask yourselves: where the !#!%!
The Bible does not support the idea that God will kill lots of innocent people who would have otherwise qualified for life. Besides, he is leaving the judging to Jesus and the 1,440,000 judges from all walks of life who will decide what is what. Some of them will likely think just as you would as far as granting mercy and life.. Actually, the bar will be fairly low with those in Jesus' day, who knew exactly who he was but still didn't want him (much like Satan knows God but has decided he would rather rebel) being the criteria. So you have to sort of deliberately have chosen consciously to go the wrong way not to be invited to have life.
JC, what's up with you these days anyway?? Who gave you the right to multiply that number by 10?? You're certainly being carried away by exotic teachings that manifest themselves in those who have strayed from the banquet of well-oiled dishes being served at the GB's table. Beware, that the Evil One not finally get you in his trap.
Hey, just explain, is this New Light? Or did the devil possess those fingers for the duration of the post?
right so being single and being free to look and date the male species i'm sad to announce that there really is no much of a choice out there.
perhaps i'm not looking in the right places, or perhaps i just don't do it for these men.
anyway what do you look for in a guy.
Opens the car door (or any door) for you
So, why do some ladies find this, er, patronising?
candynuts: very funny.
personally, i have nothing against executing wanton murderers.
Interesting questions, Mary.
When discussing with the No-Death penalty crowd, it's perhaps intructive to separate the "Killing-is-killing-and-is-bad-and-shouldn't-ever-be-done-no-matter-what-and-how" from the "killing-is-bad-but-can-be-done-in-self-defence" crowd. Sometimes people're confused where they belong. There're variants of those themes too. To be sure, I know people who've claimed they wouldn't kill someone who is determined to kill them or their family. Some of them consider their assertion to be not just a claim; there are others who'll argue that killing is wrong but would readily suspend that view when their loved ones or themselves are in mortal, fatal danger. Some experience a change of heart when they witness or are touched by very wicked acts of violence.
If it is accepted by some that the individual can kill in self-defence, how is it that they reason that the State couldn't kill in self defence? A vivid example is when a first or second offender kills again. Events like that show how inept the State has become, and how the innocent irreparably suffer when we let a warped sense of "fundamental rights" dictate how to treat those clearly beyond redemption.
my friend (ms) is going to give talk #45 i told him it was posted here he said not possible because each congregation have different talk so this is not possible and the net is all bs and we know nothing here all we post is just to undermine the wts so if someone know what is talk #45 pls pls post it so i can show him we have the truth.
thx z .
thanks for those links!
More material for my Wathtower e-library. The self-serving, ridiculous old men! Why don't they make the stuff available to all JW on the CD?! Looks like the site is maintained by a loyal JW; we'll see how soon its going to get shut down now. .
divorce has always been a tricky thing in the watchtower world and has been subject of many articles in the literature.
for a year - from january 1972 until december the same year, "christian" husbands could technically screw anything with a pulse in the animal world without giving his spouse a "biblical" reason to divorce him.
the only thing he had to be careful about if having sex with humans - men or women was to use the "rear entrance".
*** w72 1/1 pp. 31-32 Questions from Readers *** ... someone in the GB must either 've been smoking something very strong or having homo/bestiality fantasies
*** w72 12/15 pp. 766-768 Questions from Readers *** ... he prolly saw it was too dangerous or didn't just get the desired kick.
Commendation: isn't it huge that the Watchtower wrote this?
This clearly marks a correction in the view expressed on previous occasions in the columns of this magazine, but faithful adherence to what the Scriptures actually say requires it.They noted, without regret, that they've made a correction; any who may have been pissed or screwed by preceeding advice should just stuff it; and if you can't get over the previous habit, tough luck; you get disfellowshipped. The HS is really in touch and in real control now.
There is much more that can be considered on the matter and for that reason it will be discussed more completely in a coming issue of this magazine.
read: we're not really sure of what we're saying this time either; however the case may be, just do what we've said for now.
personally, i have nothing against executing wanton murderers.
Listen, someone hurts anyone in my family and of course I'd want to kill them. However, we hand justice over to a judge and jury so that the matter can be handled with some rationality. Just because someone behaves absolutely appallingly doesn't mean that we have to act in the same way. Violence breeds violence. If it's wrong to kill then it's wrong to kill right across the board.Englishman.
Does that include killing in self-defence?
Does that including killing terrorists, even before the terrorists begin to kill at all?
Er, those Bali bombers, for example, why won't the No Death penalty crowd in the West mount a huge campaign to spare them?
And, er, Saddam Hussein... will you campaign for him not to be executed if the Iraqi courts find him guilty of killing thousands of Iraqis?
Are there exeptions at all to the rule?
The insitence of the No Death Penalty crowd that the "principle" be applied to all cases is one of the weakest points in their argument. Their apparent silence when death as punishment is handed to criminals in States other than in the West, brightly highlights their hypocricy.
The Bali case is a very good pointer to what can become of many No Death Penalty argumentators when they're touched by the evil of wicked crimes:
On 30 April 2003 , the first charges related to the Bali bombings were made against Amrozi bin Haji Nurhasyim, known as Amrozi , for allegedly buying the explosives and the van used in the bombings. On 8 August he was found guilty and sentenced to death. Another participant in the bombing, Imam Samudra, was sentenced to death on 10 September . Amrozi's brother, Ali Imron, who had expressed remorse for his part in the bombing, was sentenced to life imprisonment on 18 September . A fourth accused, Mukhlas, was sentenced to death on 1 October . All those convicted have said they will appeal, and none of the death sentences have yet to be carried out.The Australian, US, and many other foreign governments expressed satisfaction with the speed and efficiency with which the Indonesian police and courts dealt with the bombing's primary suspects, despite what they characterized as light sentences. All Australian jurisdictions abolished the death penalty more than 30 years ago, but a poll showed that 55% of Australians approved of the death sentences in the Bali cases. The Australian government said it would not ask Indonesia to refrain from using the death penalty.Source:
Very telling, not so?