I didn't go to the District Convention this year. My mom however did and she sends out a daily text email every day. She asked all members of the email group to share their favorite part of the convention. My friend who is also on the list, said her favorite part was the talk about how we should treat inactive ones. That the talk wen over how all witness should be extra kind to inactive ones in hopes of drawing them back. When did this happen? Most everyone I know just looks down their nose at inactive ones. Plus as my husband pointed out they say the exact opposite about disfellowshipped ones (don't speak to them, this shows them we love them and they will come back). Just thought I would share.
Inactive ones - new light.
by unique1 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
So what did you reply was the best part of the DC for you?
Yeah... I wonder just how many their "love" has "drawn" back into the bOrg?
I have heard that before. And they should be calling on inactive ones, etc. But in reality, hard
kLy ever happens. Blasted typos. -
Can anyone tell me what this year's drama was about?
Pole -
No one's called me!
Very few JWs will help inactive people simply because they cannot count the time for their time-sheet.
I suspect it is just a matter of time before there is New Light (TM) that says that will allow JWs to count time when they visit inactive people. When they do this, we will know the WTS is truly desperate to get their numbers back up.
That the talk wen over how all witness should be extra kind to inactive ones in hopes of drawing them back.
Ya well since when has a animal changed it's spots. Those that have let the cult would see right through their so called love which is about as real as a plastic cut out.
the drama was about timotheus not going to athens university.. lol i already wrote a bit about it...
I know that's the "advertised" attitude toward inactive ones, but not practiced in reality.
There's a song in their songbook about helping weak ones; I remember sitting at the piano with tears because the words were so loving and yet everyone I knew treated "weak" ones like dirt. That was before I was of the "weak class" where I got first-hand confirmation of that unloving attitude.