AE - I go to some meetings.
Posts by cognac
Sh*t. I got busted...
by cognac inat least it was by an apostate.
not sure if he's going to rat me out or not.
he wrote me an email saying, "is this who i think it is?
Sh*t. I got busted...
by cognac inat least it was by an apostate.
not sure if he's going to rat me out or not.
he wrote me an email saying, "is this who i think it is?
I don't think he would outright tell the elders because he is an apostate. But, I think he might tell his brother who might tell my brother who might tell the elders. I'm not sure. We are just WAYYYYYY to close for comfort...
Sh*t. I got busted...
by cognac inat least it was by an apostate.
not sure if he's going to rat me out or not.
he wrote me an email saying, "is this who i think it is?
I feel like I'm gonna
Sh*t. I got busted...
by cognac inat least it was by an apostate.
not sure if he's going to rat me out or not.
he wrote me an email saying, "is this who i think it is?
At least it was by an apostate. Not sure if he's going to rat me out or not. I don't know him very well. He wrote me an email saying, "Is this who I think it is?"
Well, I know he knows because I didn't realize that certain info was public. Sh*t. I didn't put my last name in but I think he has a good idea its me...
I wrote him back, "Depends. Do you have a big mouth?" Waiting for his reply...
Who Or What Influenced You The Most To Get Out Of The Religion?
by minimus infor me, i think it was time and the realization of the idiocy of the beliefs and man made doctrines.
i just couldn't ignore it any longer..
There were a lot of little things but the biggest thing for me was studying with an annointed brother before and after a lot of the meetings. He taught me how to read the bible.
His first actual assignment for me was to read Mark chapter 1. Honestly, I think he's an apostate and he knew exactly was he was doing having me read that chapter. At the end of the 1st chapter it shows how the sabbath was created for man, not man for the sabbath. Out of that I immediately questioned the blood issue. It was only a matter of time at that point...
I just saw a pic of my abusive ex husband and his new wife...
by cognac inholy crap, she has the same kind of look i do.
something about her really reminds me of me.
anyways, i feel bad for her.
Thanks OTWO. I tried doing what I thought was best back then. Going to the elders. I eventually got a restraining order and pressed charges. The charges never went anywhere though due to lack of evidence. Even though he had admitted the abuse to the elders, the elders didn't try to protect this poor girl from him and they wouldn't go to the authorities with the information they had. They let him become a publisher and get baptised even though only a few months had passed after I pressed charges. 6 months to be exact. 6 months and they let him because a publisher. 13 months after charges were pressed and they let him become baptised.
I actually did try to get in touch with the girl to warn her. I even had an Elders blessing and encouragement about it. I found her email address and tried to warn her. I never heard back.
The Elders in my hall were horrified that the elders in his hall let him become baptised. One elder said, "He is going to have to answer to Jehovah for his decisions."
I just saw a pic of my abusive ex husband and his new wife...
by cognac inholy crap, she has the same kind of look i do.
something about her really reminds me of me.
anyways, i feel bad for her.
Holy crap, she has the same kind of look I do. Something about her really reminds me of me. Anyways, I feel bad for her. Glad I don't have that life anymore! It seemed like every little thing was such a struggle back then.
I remember he wanted a baby. That baby would have been completely different then the baby I have now. It would of had dark skin, probably brown eyes, and probably a head full of hair. Not to mention it would have been totally messed up because of the relationship I was in.
Now I have an extremely happy blue eyed, almost bald, light haired baby girl with a great daddy! I'm so grateful for the way things turned out. I really feel bad for his new wife girl though...
bttt - Tell us all!!!
but we get...
How to stick up for yourself to JWs...
by cognac ini figured i'd start a thread on this because i've noticed especially with women they really beat you into submission.
so, i thought it would be good to talk about how to handle different situations without arguing.. if you have any ideas on how to handle the following situations, or have any other scenerios to add, please share!.
1. the elders want to have a sheparding call.
lol, Bord. That's one route to take!