This happens when excessive force is used in disciplining children. And this is all too common in the Kingdumb Hells--spankings and beatings for not sitting still for 2 hours straight, threats of more beatings when they get home, and having to stay out in field circus all vacation from school (which I have myself seen).
I must say... I have not noticed this in halls unless the parents are foreign. Growing up, there were a lot of beatings. Now, I think our culture has changed so I notice a lot more kids playing and moms chatting in the back. The only people I've noticed spanking is moms and dads who are from other countries. When that happens, all hell breaks loose and we have about 10 sisters flipping out at the parents who are spanking and telling the elders. This is what I've noticed in the few halls I've been to over the past 8 or so years.