I can't believe I got AGuest and Angel Eyes mixed up Isaac...
Posts by cognac
What Are Your Thoughts On The Apostle Paul?
by cognac ini find him very confusing and difficult to figure out sometimes.
evidently, peter did also.
anyways, i find him a bit harsh and unloving in the way he deals with the congregations and i was shocked how he rebuked with peter.
What Are Your Thoughts On The Apostle Paul?
by cognac ini find him very confusing and difficult to figure out sometimes.
evidently, peter did also.
anyways, i find him a bit harsh and unloving in the way he deals with the congregations and i was shocked how he rebuked with peter.
JWoods - If you look at the first few verses of each chapter of some of the books of the bible, it shows more then just Paul were involved in the writing. I think in the first few verses of Thess. it shows 3 people involved in the writing. That is probably what accounts for the different writing styles...
I'm not sure if I understand your question about Revelation. Are you asking if John wrote it?
What Are Your Thoughts On The Apostle Paul?
by cognac ini find him very confusing and difficult to figure out sometimes.
evidently, peter did also.
anyways, i find him a bit harsh and unloving in the way he deals with the congregations and i was shocked how he rebuked with peter.
Jwoods - Even the apostle Paul said not to judge the heart and to only judge the act. When a person has repented from the wrong act he should be let right back into the cong. JWs wait to let the person back in when they feel the persons heart has changed. They have no right to do that. Also, even Paul said to not be to harsh in what he says. The BORG fails to take that into account...
What Are Your Thoughts On The Apostle Paul?
by cognac ini find him very confusing and difficult to figure out sometimes.
evidently, peter did also.
anyways, i find him a bit harsh and unloving in the way he deals with the congregations and i was shocked how he rebuked with peter.
jwoods - The massive amount of info the BORG ignores from the bible is shocking. They take what Paul said and they fail to weigh in the love and type of forgiveness Jesus showed...
What Are Your Thoughts On The Apostle Paul?
by cognac ini find him very confusing and difficult to figure out sometimes.
evidently, peter did also.
anyways, i find him a bit harsh and unloving in the way he deals with the congregations and i was shocked how he rebuked with peter.
Many times Paul states, "the lord says..." and other times he says " I and not the Lord say.."
I noticed that. I wonder about cases where he doesn't actually say specific information is from him or God. I would assume if he didn't specifically say it was from him, then it would be from God.
What Are Your Thoughts On The Apostle Paul?
by cognac ini find him very confusing and difficult to figure out sometimes.
evidently, peter did also.
anyways, i find him a bit harsh and unloving in the way he deals with the congregations and i was shocked how he rebuked with peter.
Yes, Isaac, it is! Thank-you! I'm gonna read that. It's so easy to look over things and just not put it together sometimes. Thanks for the help!
What Are Your Thoughts On The Apostle Paul?
by cognac ini find him very confusing and difficult to figure out sometimes.
evidently, peter did also.
anyways, i find him a bit harsh and unloving in the way he deals with the congregations and i was shocked how he rebuked with peter.
Oh, sorry... I got angel eyes and aguest mixed up. Aguest - you around???
What Are Your Thoughts On The Apostle Paul?
by cognac ini find him very confusing and difficult to figure out sometimes.
evidently, peter did also.
anyways, i find him a bit harsh and unloving in the way he deals with the congregations and i was shocked how he rebuked with peter.
Oh, please don't run Angel Eyes of this thread! He really helped me in another thread and I really want to hear his viewpoint...
What Are Your Thoughts On The Apostle Paul?
by cognac ini find him very confusing and difficult to figure out sometimes.
evidently, peter did also.
anyways, i find him a bit harsh and unloving in the way he deals with the congregations and i was shocked how he rebuked with peter.
Oh really Isaac!!! Thanks for correcting my view, I'll reread the information tonight. ae - I feel like he is a cause of a lot of divisions not only in the cong of his day, but now down to our day. However, it doesn't seem like he was ever corrected and was speaking in behalf of God. Jesus seemed just so much more loving and forgiving. Please show me your opinion of how you feel I could be viewing him incorrectly. I'm open to learning!
What Are Your Thoughts On The Apostle Paul?
by cognac ini find him very confusing and difficult to figure out sometimes.
evidently, peter did also.
anyways, i find him a bit harsh and unloving in the way he deals with the congregations and i was shocked how he rebuked with peter.
If he was in fact given his own opinion, it wouldn't be as bad. However, when he spoke of women, his judgemental attitude towards gays, fornicators, etc that's when it irritates me. When he gives those opinions, it is never said that those are his own opinions in those instances and not Gods. So, in the case where he represents God I have to wonder why those things were allowed in an "inspired" bible.
Yes, some of his views are rather "pharisical" and at times his jewish unbring seems to get the better of him, but he was only human
But, if the bible is inspired of God then unless otherwise stated, wouldn't we have to take that his words as the word of God?