I agree with that Isaac. However, if somebody is an extortioner, or sleeping with a married person, it totally makes sense. However, I don't really understand judging a fornicator like that. The law was written for our benefit, not us for the benefit of the law to begin with. So, if we are no longer under the Mosiac law, why should we be worried is a person is fornicating? Isn't that up to them if they want to fornicate if they are not hurting anybody?
Also, at what point would you say to not eat with a greedy person?
Couldn't he have just left it up to people to use there own mind and conscience of when not to eat with somebody instead of telling us? I mean, if people are doing something like extortion, why would we want to have dinner with them anyways? Why does he have to tell us that? Why not show how Jesus treated people who were sinning and let them use there own conscience?
Why couldn't he have shown people from the scripture how we are to love one another and what that man was doing to his fathers wife was both not loving or honoring his father. Therefore, we should no longer accept a person of that sort as a brother due to the outragious harm that he caused until he has repented?
He just seems to have created a lot of divisions and a lot of leeway for people to be harsh with one another...