Wouldn't not making it into God's kingdom make it a mortal sin?
Posts by cognac
What Are Your Thoughts On The Apostle Paul?
by cognac ini find him very confusing and difficult to figure out sometimes.
evidently, peter did also.
anyways, i find him a bit harsh and unloving in the way he deals with the congregations and i was shocked how he rebuked with peter.
What Are Your Thoughts On The Apostle Paul?
by cognac ini find him very confusing and difficult to figure out sometimes.
evidently, peter did also.
anyways, i find him a bit harsh and unloving in the way he deals with the congregations and i was shocked how he rebuked with peter.
I still wonder about the fact that he said gays and such wouldn't inherit God's Kingdom. Considering how Jesus was, I would think he would be more forgiving...
What Are Your Thoughts On The Apostle Paul?
by cognac ini find him very confusing and difficult to figure out sometimes.
evidently, peter did also.
anyways, i find him a bit harsh and unloving in the way he deals with the congregations and i was shocked how he rebuked with peter.
Its impossible for us to know what ANYONE would have thought about unmarried people IN LOVE doing the deed, certainly it would be better for all if they were married (less complications), but the fact that there were prostitutes around means that Lust found a way, lol !
I guess my question was what Paul had in mind when he said "fornication"... Of course, this gives leeway for people to view it anyway they want since Paul wasn't specific and then lord it over people such as the BORG does... According to Strong's dictionary, I would have to believe like you that it was a lot more to then just doing the deed before marriage and such. This is how Strong's defines it:
a (male) prostitute (as venal), i.e. (by analogy) a debauchee (libertine):--fornicator, whoremonger.
debauchee is "a person addicted to excessive indulgence in sensual pleasures; one given to debauchery."
What Are Your Thoughts On The Apostle Paul?
by cognac ini find him very confusing and difficult to figure out sometimes.
evidently, peter did also.
anyways, i find him a bit harsh and unloving in the way he deals with the congregations and i was shocked how he rebuked with peter.
The greek word for fornicationis Porneia and can mean:
illict sexual intercourse, adultery, homosexuality, intercourse with animals, intercourse with close relatives, divorced man or woman, it is also a metaphoe for worshiping idols and the difilement of idoltary.
It wasn't just a couple of people doing the hunka-chunka before mariage.
Typically it was a "sinful" act when aplied to visitinga prostitute or having sex with someone you shouldn't ( Relative, same sex, assoted woodland creatures).
hmmm, that's very interesting. I wonder how Paul would have viewed to people in a serious relationship having intercourse that broke up and then got into another serious relationship where they had intercourse with somebody else. Do you think he would have told people not to mix in company with people such as this?
I mean, people have such strong sexual feelings at even 13 or 14 years old. If they give into those feelings without marrying the person would they be now faulted to not mix in company with? Could they even be considered a brother or sister at that point anyways according to scripture?
I find it very harsh that young ones have such sexual urges at such a young age when there is no hope of being able to act on them for years. To bad they didn't start getting those urges until they were at least 20 when they were at least closer to marrying age...
What Are Your Thoughts On The Apostle Paul?
by cognac ini find him very confusing and difficult to figure out sometimes.
evidently, peter did also.
anyways, i find him a bit harsh and unloving in the way he deals with the congregations and i was shocked how he rebuked with peter.
Cog, the not eating meat sacrificed to idols was simply to avoid stumbling the JEws who were repelled by this- to maintain peace in a divided cong. The meat itself was not at issue.
Yeah, I know. That's what I meant by not just taking what he says at face value. You are just better at explaining things then me, lol. :)
After 3 yrs, 2 mos......MY WIFE HAS AWAKENED!!! JOIN US IN A TOAST!
by Open mind in.
words fail me.. .
om & wife!.
Wow, that's so wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You have given a renewed hope for the rest of us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What Are Your Thoughts On The Apostle Paul?
by cognac ini find him very confusing and difficult to figure out sometimes.
evidently, peter did also.
anyways, i find him a bit harsh and unloving in the way he deals with the congregations and i was shocked how he rebuked with peter.
It seems to me that the scriptures show us that we shouldn't take what Paul said at face value but rather weigh in what the other scriptures say first. For example, he said to one cong not to eat things sacrificed to idols. So, one would think we shouldn't do that. Then, he said to another cong that they could eat things sacrificed to idols as long as it didn't stumble anybody.
Isaac - What are your thoughts regarding what I said about fornicators above?
Also, does anybody know how Mark "countered" some of Paul's teachings?
What Are Your Thoughts On The Apostle Paul?
by cognac ini find him very confusing and difficult to figure out sometimes.
evidently, peter did also.
anyways, i find him a bit harsh and unloving in the way he deals with the congregations and i was shocked how he rebuked with peter.
Thank-you for the clarification Isaac!
( I agree that Mark was probably first) to "counter" some of Paul's teachings.)
On what basis do you say this? Do you havr any examples?
What Are Your Thoughts On The Apostle Paul?
by cognac ini find him very confusing and difficult to figure out sometimes.
evidently, peter did also.
anyways, i find him a bit harsh and unloving in the way he deals with the congregations and i was shocked how he rebuked with peter.
WT is in many cases taking the side of those who were against Paul (the very teachings Paul is repeating in his trying to refute).
Do you have an example of that? PS. I read your pm and replied!
snowbird - Thanks for sharing!
What Are Your Thoughts On The Apostle Paul?
by cognac ini find him very confusing and difficult to figure out sometimes.
evidently, peter did also.
anyways, i find him a bit harsh and unloving in the way he deals with the congregations and i was shocked how he rebuked with peter.
I agree with that Isaac. However, if somebody is an extortioner, or sleeping with a married person, it totally makes sense. However, I don't really understand judging a fornicator like that. The law was written for our benefit, not us for the benefit of the law to begin with. So, if we are no longer under the Mosiac law, why should we be worried is a person is fornicating? Isn't that up to them if they want to fornicate if they are not hurting anybody?
Also, at what point would you say to not eat with a greedy person?
Couldn't he have just left it up to people to use there own mind and conscience of when not to eat with somebody instead of telling us? I mean, if people are doing something like extortion, why would we want to have dinner with them anyways? Why does he have to tell us that? Why not show how Jesus treated people who were sinning and let them use there own conscience?
Why couldn't he have shown people from the scripture how we are to love one another and what that man was doing to his fathers wife was both not loving or honoring his father. Therefore, we should no longer accept a person of that sort as a brother due to the outragious harm that he caused until he has repented?
He just seems to have created a lot of divisions and a lot of leeway for people to be harsh with one another...