Maybe a larger question is why do you have to believe the bible is from God when everything you are saying shows you otherwise? Do you have to have the bible BE from God or if you never ever saw one, would you believe anyway?
I feel there has to be something more to the bible. Since history seems to point to pieces of the bible being truthful, then I would think that other things such as Jesus miracles would be true. And if those are true, then what he promises should be true also.
Frankie - Thanks for the links!
Aguest - Thank-you so much for your input and help! I will do that!
Inkling - It says in the scriptures that Satan is the ruler of the system. What if that is because God can't win Satan right now for some reason? What if they are about equal in power? What if what happened on earth was recorded in scripture as what Satan did, however, what Jesus told his apostles to write were actually from God? What if there is more to it that we just don't know about?