lol, Isaac.
Posts by cognac
Are Publishers Adequately Prepared for Bad Publicity?
by compound complex inlast saturday afternoon i heard the talk, "put on the lord jesus christ," at the circuit assembly.. one of the overriding questions guiding christians into straight paths was the expected, "what would jesus do?
" citing various texts, the speaker admonished that we should put up a hard fight for the faith, arming ourselves as soldiers.
all good.
VIDEO from father of Bethany Hughes (JW girl who died because of blood issue)
by Albert Einstein ini just recently found this, sad, but wanna share with you....
20/20 Last Night - Elder killed his wife
by cognac inanybody see it?
i thought it was very odd how his mil accused him at the very beginning that he killed her.
i felt like she held back or was hiding a lot.. what were your thoughts?.
20/20 Last Night - Elder killed his wife
by cognac inanybody see it?
i thought it was very odd how his mil accused him at the very beginning that he killed her.
i felt like she held back or was hiding a lot.. what were your thoughts?.
Blood questions and new law in Canada news
by cognac inmy understanding is that if a child needs a blood transfusion and the parent refuses, the child becomes a ward of the state.
however, once the child gets the transfusion, do the parents just get the kid back?
does dss get involved?
My understanding is that if a child needs a blood transfusion and the parent refuses, the child becomes a ward of the state. However, once the child gets the transfusion, do the parents just get the kid back? Does DSS get involved? Is there any investigation? Any prosecution for the parents if the delay in the child getting a transfusion caused the child to die?
In other blood issue news... In Canada, on June 16, 2009 the Supreme Court of Canada made this decision regarding medical care of mature minors. "If the court is persuaded that the necessary level of maturity exists, the young person's view ought to be respected." This could lead to some very sad consequences...
Christmas Tips
by cognac indo you tip your mailman, newspaper, oil delivery persons?
if so, what do you normally give?
who else do you tip?
Le sigh. Disfellowshipped.
by hecouldbewrong ini got banned from exjehovahswitnessforum.
the yuku site.
comfort me..
Personal Ad!
by asilentone inwould you be interested to get to know a cute guy, he lives in a very nice home by himself, he likes to workout physically, you must like to do that too.
he is very sex driven..
Personal Ad!
by asilentone inwould you be interested to get to know a cute guy, he lives in a very nice home by himself, he likes to workout physically, you must like to do that too.
he is very sex driven..