Posts by cognac
Circuit Overseers
by Eiben Scrood insome circuit overseers leave lasting impressions either for good or bad.
others i barely remember.
three that had the most impact on me were rodricks (that's how it's pronounced, not sure of the spelling), casino and shepherd.
Circuit Overseers
by Eiben Scrood insome circuit overseers leave lasting impressions either for good or bad.
others i barely remember.
three that had the most impact on me were rodricks (that's how it's pronounced, not sure of the spelling), casino and shepherd.
Casino I think actually lost it.
I heard that also. I heard he was depressed and wouldn't leave his bed for months. Anyone know what happened with him?
Circuit Overseers
by Eiben Scrood insome circuit overseers leave lasting impressions either for good or bad.
others i barely remember.
three that had the most impact on me were rodricks (that's how it's pronounced, not sure of the spelling), casino and shepherd.
met - what did he do that was so bad?
Circuit Overseers
by Eiben Scrood insome circuit overseers leave lasting impressions either for good or bad.
others i barely remember.
three that had the most impact on me were rodricks (that's how it's pronounced, not sure of the spelling), casino and shepherd.
Eiben, I wonder if we know eachother? I had all the same COs. Did you know Rodricks is a DO now? I had always liked Rodricks (but I was about 7 when h was first here) but now that he's back as a DO he seems very mind-controlled. Sad really, cause I had such fond memories of him...
Hey Everyone!!!
by cognac injust thought i'd stop by and say hi to everyone?
anything new and exciting?
did the borg over in france collapse cause of all the money they owe yet?.
hey chick!!! She's great! 10 months now.
Shampoo - u still are stinky I see.
Hey Everyone!!!
by cognac injust thought i'd stop by and say hi to everyone?
anything new and exciting?
did the borg over in france collapse cause of all the money they owe yet?.
Welcome Lady! Awwww, your first post on my thread. Nice to meet you!
Hey Everyone!!!
by cognac injust thought i'd stop by and say hi to everyone?
anything new and exciting?
did the borg over in france collapse cause of all the money they owe yet?.
congrats Palmtree! How exciting!!! lol about the generation change. Whatis the new belief on that now?
The JWs are making a big deal about the tax thing in France. There is some email going around. Anybody know when they will have to actually pay it?
What happened to your marriage after you stopped believing?
by JerkhovahsWitless ini know some posters here went through or are going through some painful things right now because of no longer believing when they have a husband / wife that still does.
others were able to free the minds of their spouse.
i'm assuming the latter is a lot more rare.. anyone that wishes to share their story, please do.. i'm looking to pass the info on to someone who doesn't totally believe, but may marry a jw.
It was a lot of hard work, but we are still married and happy. We have a baby. I see a therapist to consistantly get an outside professional point of view on the best way handle situations as they arise. But, we are generally happy. We focus on things other then religion. But, I can voice my opinion freely and he can also.
Not everyone can do it. He isn't a normal JW. But, I think he isn't a normal JW anymore because he has listened to a lot of what I have to say. It took an enormous amount of patience for both of us. There was a lot of fighting and arguing especially in the beginning.
One main thing I established was my right to question whatever I wanted to. I had multiple elders and an annointed brother back me up on that one point. Based on that, it started that I would simply ask questions.
Then, it went on to that I didn't believe but we could still live peacably based on that scripture about the unbelieving mate.
There were months and months where we didn't even talk about it because I made sure to not make it into a big deal but rather focus on things we have in common.
Now, everything is pretty happy. :)
Hey Everyone!!!
by cognac injust thought i'd stop by and say hi to everyone?
anything new and exciting?
did the borg over in france collapse cause of all the money they owe yet?.
Just thought I'd stop by and say hi to everyone? Anything new and exciting? Did the BORG over in France collapse cause of all the money they owe yet?
Ooooooohhhh...My "unofficial" DA it in the paper!!
by HadEnuf inover the years here on the forum...i have read with interest many da letters.
brave people!!
not so brave.
Can't work in a job that carries a weapon. Can't work in a job where you would dispense blood to patients. Can't sell cigarrettes. Can't wear a national flag on your uniform. Can't work in a job that requires you to miss a meeting. Etc...
As far as I knew that was all conscious matters... Also, you can work a job that requires you to miss a meeting, they just discourage missing many meetings. I think to say what job you can or can't take goes a bit to far in our accusations against them...
Can't sit in the back row because that's reserved for whoever the elders decide to reserve it for (people with kids, elderly, DFd, etc.).
Well, I would hardly call that controlling at all. Usually its reserved for elderly and people with kids because imo it's the loving thing to do since it is harder for those people...
Do I think they are a cult? Absolutely. But, when we are not completely accurate in our accusations against the BORG it takes away from our credibility. If somebody who was going to the meetings and studying saw that they would view it as lie and thus there perception of apostates confirmed and there resolve to stay with the cult stronger.
That's my humble opinion on those specific points. Other then that it was very well written.