idk, maybe it will go on... But, I can say this. I think there will be a very good amount of people that this will be the last straw for. And, even though years ago when they did the same types of things and they simply recruited and got there numbers back up, I don't believe it will be as easy today to do the same. For a few reasons:
1. This is the information age. With a click of a button people can see very quickly what JWs are all about.
2. They don't have the history and reputation they did years ago. Years ago, everything was exciting! They were new and had new ideas. Now, they have turned that into something very different. They are known very well for there unloving ways and false promises. There reputation proceeds them and the only way they really grow is two different ways: children born into it and third world countries where people simply are not as educated.
3. As I said before, one of the main reasons there numbers will go up is growth in 3rd world countries. These countries are very poor and will not be able to give to the society the money other countries can. Those countries that can give money the numbers will probably not grow very well at all... So, the society will end up having to support this work and get less and less money coming in.
I do really believe that there are a lot of people in it now that are simply stuck. Take my family for example. About 1/2 the people couldn't care less about it either way. They just kinda go to tag along but they don't really care all that much.
The JWs are very different then they were years ago. The newness and excitement has worn off. The old days of using the bible a ton have been replaced with ready made beliefs told to you in WT, Awakes, and so forth. A lot people simply don't even know or care 1/2 of what they believe in.
I do think things are very different then they were before and the BORG doesn't have it as easy as they did before.