So, hubby and I went to his cousins ceremony for becoming a state trooper. I thought it was beautiful ceremony and told my parents all about it. It was an honor to be there. I said they go out every day and put their lives on the line for us. They are hero's in my book. I told them how touching it was when I saw a father who works for the military, police force etc pinning his own son knowing firsthand the life that is now in front of his own child. And it brought me to tears when I saw one of them holding his newborn daughter. I told my parents there is nothing like a man in a uniform holding his baby! They commented that there won't be uniforms in the new system.
My mother was put back by all this and asked if they had guns. Hubby and I said of course and told them all about how they were throwing them back and forth to eachother and how it was a part of the ceremony. Then, we showed some of the pics we took and commented on how beautiful the suits were and how they looked like they were from the 1800's.
Then, my father commented that coal miners put their lives on the line and that their jobs are the most dangerous. I started laughing and looked at him funny cause he was defensive about it and it didn't have to do with what we were talking about. So, I just said, "ok , they are hero's too". lol