Welcome. Honestly, though, I have to wonder if part of your depression lies in you avoiding putting blame on your father. I did the same thing with my dad. But, the truth is, there are plenty of JWs who have kids and don't abuse them. What your father did was wrong and your mother letting it happen was wrong also. He made the decision himself to be abusive. I was never able to get over things myself until I was able to admit and address that. I wasn't able to admit that because in my mind it was equivalent to saying my father hated me. I mean, I don't care if they outright told him or pressured him to do that, he still made that decision and is to be responsible for that decision.
and beating you til you passed out? Your father is a sick, sick person. What he did was wrong. In my opinion, it's going to be a hundred times harder to get over this until you can admit that to yourself.