I have the same questions as Sir82....
I also wonder how whatever the end result could be, how it could affect other countries.
Hope this ruins them...
i'm wondering if this is just a hearing or if this commission has teeth?.
some very damning things coming out nonetheless .
I have the same questions as Sir82....
I also wonder how whatever the end result could be, how it could affect other countries.
Hope this ruins them...
for the jw apologists, they debate certain factors to down play all the recent sex abuse information in the jehovah's witness organization.
and there is so much focus on "two witness rule" and "parents can report" the "elders aren't legal authorities" and many other smoke screen issues.
a lot of these issues and discussion are down stream from what i believe to be the root of the issue.
for the jw apologists, they debate certain factors to down play all the recent sex abuse information in the jehovah's witness organization.
and there is so much focus on "two witness rule" and "parents can report" the "elders aren't legal authorities" and many other smoke screen issues.
a lot of these issues and discussion are down stream from what i believe to be the root of the issue.
I don't get how this is ok with them. How does it not eat away at them?
Protecting the flock is not their primary concern. Worrying about their image is. Well, that's certainly biting them in the a**.
Whats crazy to to me is, sometimes you have to say the hell with the rules, and just do the right thing. The GB should absolutely rot for this, but, those elders are just as responsible. Isn't that what all the Nazi's said when brought to trial, "We were just following orders." That's simply no excuse.
the royal commission hearing starting on monday, july 27, 2015 - australian day and date - (and it could go on until august 7th depending on how many witnesses testify) regarding jehovah's witnesses handling of child abuse is supposed to be streamed.. it could be that the hearing will only be audio not video although we were informed it will be streamed.
we'll find out in a few hours.. i live in the central time zone of the us and right now here it is sunday, 3: 45 pm.
in sydney, australia, it is 15 hours ahead of us.
the royal commission hearing starting on monday, july 27, 2015 - australian day and date - (and it could go on until august 7th depending on how many witnesses testify) regarding jehovah's witnesses handling of child abuse is supposed to be streamed.. it could be that the hearing will only be audio not video although we were informed it will be streamed.
we'll find out in a few hours.. i live in the central time zone of the us and right now here it is sunday, 3: 45 pm.
in sydney, australia, it is 15 hours ahead of us.
for years i've been screwed with by some very bad people, people satan would kick out of his organization because even the devil might let up on evil just to allow someone to catch their breath.
with the jwism's bad people move up while good people move down or leave the kingdom hall for good.
i was talking with two elders who said "you know if you return to the kingdom hall, jehovah will bless you and these people will stop screwing with you.
for years i've been screwed with by some very bad people, people satan would kick out of his organization because even the devil might let up on evil just to allow someone to catch their breath.
with the jwism's bad people move up while good people move down or leave the kingdom hall for good.
i was talking with two elders who said "you know if you return to the kingdom hall, jehovah will bless you and these people will stop screwing with you.
for years i've been screwed with by some very bad people, people satan would kick out of his organization because even the devil might let up on evil just to allow someone to catch their breath.
with the jwism's bad people move up while good people move down or leave the kingdom hall for good.
i was talking with two elders who said "you know if you return to the kingdom hall, jehovah will bless you and these people will stop screwing with you.
I say RUN. Run as fast as you can the hell out of there before she gets pregnant.
If you want to work it out, I think you should do marriage counseling while separated and not move back in with each other until changes have been made. Just my opinion...