JW Hatred and Elders Apathetic Manners Drove Me Here! Why are JWs fooled in to thinking the WTS Cares?

by Judas Maccabee 35 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Judas Maccabee
    Judas Maccabee

    For years I've been screwed with by some very bad people, people Satan would kick out of his organization because even the Devil might let up on evil just to allow someone to catch their breath. With the JWism's bad people move up while good people move down or leave the Kingdom Hall for good. I was talking with two elders who said "You know if you return to the Kingdom Hall, Jehovah will bless you and these people will stop screwing with you." Well, I asked him "when I attended the Kingdom Hall you said "there is nothing we can do because that brother, he said, "can this be off the record and between me and you?" since he's not suppose to be here and being here is a dfing offense, I can tell you what this clown said!, "Elder Joe gives so much energy, support and time for Kingdom Hall buildings and the organization need's him and that's why he get's a little extra slack or is not removed! Jehovah need's his financial support". ?????

    What about all the people he's chased away, how can this be Jehovah's organization if he's allowed to run free and make grown women cry? He's allowed to play harsh games with any elder who disagrees with his views on the Body, he's stabs them in the back and front, he loves to attack people dissidents until they leave His Kingdom Hall! This Elder who has given up on Biblical Morality in pursuit of Man Mad Rules and Regulations said "he's a bad man but we just got to endure and Jehovah will reward us!" So why should I return to the Kingdom Hall if he's allowed to run wild? "Please don't use the "Wait on Jehovah line" because people are sick of hearing that when the Bible is filled with scriptures like "If it's in your power to do good, than do it!" or "Do not without the doing of good to those your able to!" paraphrased.

    21My child, don’t lose sight of common sense and discernment.

    Hang on to them,

    22for they will refresh your soul.

    They are like jewels on a necklace.

    23They keep you safe on your way,

    and your feet will not stumble.

    24You can go to bed without fear;

    you will lie down and sleep soundly.

    25You need not be afraid of sudden disaster

    or the destruction that comes upon the wicked,

    26for the LORD is your security.

    He will keep your foot from being caught in a trap.

    27Do not withhold good from those who deserve it

    when it’s in your power to help them.

    28If you can help your neighbor now, don’t say,

    “Come back tomorrow, and then I’ll help you.”

    29Don’t plot harm against your neighbor,

    for those who live nearby trust you.

    30Don’t pick a fight without reason,

    when no one has done you harm.

    31Don’t envy violent people

    or copy their ways.

    32Such wicked people are detestable to the LORD,

    but he offers his friendship to the godly.

    33The LORD curses the house of the wicked,

    but he blesses the home of the upright.

    34The LORD mocks the mockers

    but is gracious to the humble.c

    35The wise inherit honor,

    but fools are put to shame!


  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot
    Welcome Judas Maccabee. Personality clashes are a common reason for people to leave the JWs. Are you out or are you still in the Kingdom Hall?
  • Judas Maccabee
    Judas Maccabee

    I am new to this website, Dad's been here since 2005 off and on, my younger brother left the organization three years ago and nobody from his kingdom hall ever checked up on him. Currently my wife is trying to catch me after local JWs accused my parents of being apostates. She's paranoid, check's my history and very unhappy when I visit my parents. I am living a double life, the movies I watch, the music I love, my personality is challenged by her on everything.

    It sucks when your parents warn you not to marry someone and you think you know better, the only time I can be free is at their house. I am posting from there now since she refuses to visit when I visit. How does anyone leave with dignity and not have the A word attached for life?

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot

    Judas Maccabee:

    " How does anyone leave with dignity and not have the A word attached for life?"

    Many on this forum would recommend that you fade gradually attending less and less meetings as time passes. Hopefully the elders will ignore you as you disappear.

  • Judas Maccabee
    Judas Maccabee

    Thank you V.I. for kindness offered, the Kingdom Hall is not the same place I grew up in our maybe it's me changing or seeing ugliness we ignore as kids? Elders we thought were Super or Great are trolls, have double lives and feed off other's agony and misery. My wife does not want to work, we don't have kids so if she wants to leave me there's a very supportive group of family on my parents side! I know how to do several skills used by the brothers and sisters, they call for favors and never return anything.

    How does someone decide on when its time to divorce a wife who micromanages her husband's affairs and refuses any privacy? As soon as we got married she pretended to get sick and quit her job, now her full-time occupation is spending everything I make. I pulled the credit cards and cancelled anything related to my name after she tried to drag me before the elders. She said "I never signed up for the following (marry a weak mate), (inactive mate), (critical of others) traits she's more guilty than I am! She stopped attending the meetings for two months after getting her feelings hurt, I stopped attending two weeks and she restart's and accuses me of being a weak mate! She does not go out in field service, I offered when we first got married thinking I was taking the lead, she always begged off. I call what she does "Phantom Service" because I have never seen her out in field service after three months of marriage her zeal fell off a cliff, How screwed am I?

  • LisaRose


    There is a saying that goes: All that is needed for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.

    Jehovah need's his financial support

    Right, the all powerful creator of the universe needs money? Why would a just God allow an evil person to flourish because he needed the money? Sounds like an ineffectual, weak God to me. The bible says that God could make the stones cry out, yet he is powerless to stop an abusive person in his own organization? Rationalize much? The Watchtower criticizes other religions for less than this. Guess what, this kind of behavior proves this religion does not have God's backing.

    I dont know of any way to leave, live your life with integrity and not get the apostate label. It's very hard to maintain a double life, it takes a toll on you physically, mentally and emotionally. What is holding you back from leaving? Are you afraid your wife will leave you? That is a valid fear. Some have left and convinced their spouse to leave also, but it's very difficult, especially if your wife checks up on you like that, it doesn't sound as if she would be open to it.

    Proceed with caution.

  • DarioKehl

    If your family is already out, what's stopping you from exiting in a very dramatic way?

    anytime I hear about a sociopath elder, I admonish people to dig for dirt on them. It's out there. Find it & demolish him. Hire a P.I. if you want to. Everyone is "too afraid" to do anything, but swift, cold, calculated anonymous attacks have always worked for me. Plus, it gives you a little Schadenfreude.

  • steve2

    Judas, you are very lucky to have both parents out, not so lucky to have a wife who watches you like a hawk ( except when you're with your parents).

    What have your parents advised you about your predicament?

    I would have thought they'd be a great source of support and guidance.

    Keep us posted - you sound incredibly young and - dare I say it - naive about life. Go slow - very slow, until you're ready to take bigger steps. That spouse of yours sounds like a piece of work - be careful won't you?

  • berrygerry

    Catch your breath and agree with "Proceed With Caution."

    Sounds like a typical relationship that becomes toxic, more so because of the Borg (WTS) than anything else.

    There are numerous questions that need to be answered:

    - Do you love your wife? Does she love you?

    - Would you love each other if the Borg influence were removed?

    - If you were DF'd / DA'd, do you have anyone still-in that you would really miss?

  • 1Averagejoe

    First of all congratulate yourself for being awake and that your heart was not blinded by the corrupt thinking that the others still decide to keep in the organisation. Many of us here have resigned as elders and are on our fadding journey. Please read through the forums on the advice to think and go cautiously in your fade. As for your wife, seems she didn't give you the real picture of who she really was before you got together. It's common. She sounds like one who would go all lengths to self preserve and make your fade (and life) absolutely difficult by talking about you to the jw's on all what you say and do.

    Welcome, thanks for your post and sorry for the trials you are going through.

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