Posts by cognac
Jw kids setting off fire alarms in hotels
by purrpurr ina friend of mine is staying at a hotel next to one of the big convention sites this weekend.
yesterday she tells me one of the hotels had to be evacuated and the fire brigade called when the fire alarm went off.. it turned out to be a bunch of jw kids having a prank.
she had been speaking to the hotel manager who told her that this happens every year and only when the jw's come to stay!.
ToesUp - that or we are in the Information Age. They do a quick google search and quickly see the JWs are a cult, don't want to be there so then wreak havoc. -
new WT rule: no holding hands durning public prayer!
by leftchica inso i just caught a glimpse of this new wt magazine(study edition) of course.. from dec 28th titled.
"what do your prayers say about you".
so now they are focosing on every aspect of our lifes even our actions during prayer.
Lol @stillin -
Just for the record Vincent Toole and Terrence Obrien you are both lying SOBs
by joe134cd ini just thought i would mention this on the off chance they might be lurking here.
the two quotes are.
(1)vincent toole ="i've never heard of the term 'theocratic warfare'".
Well, in my experience, I lost all my friends and most of my family.
TheOldHippie - in my years of reading experiences on this forum, in seems that your experiences in your cong are the rarity. IMHO
This article indicates the org will consider policy changes
by defender of truth ini think they were just telling the arc what they wanted to hear.. what do you think?.
couple of interesting quotes:.
"mr o'brien, co-ordinator of the church's australian branch committee, told the commission the organisation was "open to change".. in evidence, he said the committee would consider the greater involvement of women in child sex abuse cases, clearer guidance for elders hearing allegations and better communication with victims and their families about their legal options.. mr o'brien told the commission the church did not have a redress scheme for sex abuse victims but would consider establishing one.. vincent toole, head of the church's watchtower bible and tract society, told the commission he would seek independent legal advice about the church's obligations to report child sex abuse to the authorities.. justice mcclellan asked mr toole if he understood there was a general obligation for every citizen to report crimes to the authorities.. "coming to this commission has been a wake-up call for me, i can assure you," mr toole said..
"Coming to this commission has been a wake-up call for me, I can assure you," Mr Toole said.
Oh, please... -
This article indicates the org will consider policy changes
by defender of truth ini think they were just telling the arc what they wanted to hear.. what do you think?.
couple of interesting quotes:.
"mr o'brien, co-ordinator of the church's australian branch committee, told the commission the organisation was "open to change".. in evidence, he said the committee would consider the greater involvement of women in child sex abuse cases, clearer guidance for elders hearing allegations and better communication with victims and their families about their legal options.. mr o'brien told the commission the church did not have a redress scheme for sex abuse victims but would consider establishing one.. vincent toole, head of the church's watchtower bible and tract society, told the commission he would seek independent legal advice about the church's obligations to report child sex abuse to the authorities.. justice mcclellan asked mr toole if he understood there was a general obligation for every citizen to report crimes to the authorities.. "coming to this commission has been a wake-up call for me, i can assure you," mr toole said..
How did they not realize this before the RC brought it to their attention? Really? Are they that dense? They are just now realizing how bad their policies are? Nope, not buying that for one second... IMO, they've always known what their policies would do, and chose to try and protect their own image/reputation.
I think if change were to happen, it would be because of legal reasons only. Or, because it's hurting their image MORE by not changing their policies.
Jw kids setting off fire alarms in hotels
by purrpurr ina friend of mine is staying at a hotel next to one of the big convention sites this weekend.
yesterday she tells me one of the hotels had to be evacuated and the fire brigade called when the fire alarm went off.. it turned out to be a bunch of jw kids having a prank.
she had been speaking to the hotel manager who told her that this happens every year and only when the jw's come to stay!.
Why don't they pull the fire alarm at the assembly??? That would be one way to pass the time, lol -
Could the Independent Inquiry in England and Wales expose's child abuse failures? And how can we help?
by defender of truth inwith all the talk about the org's policies and failures regarding child sexual abuse being publically exposed in australia, i thought that it may be a good time to highlight this... i apologise if this has already been discussed, but on the 9th of july the independent inquiry into child sexual abuse in england and wales was opened.
here is some information regarding it's aims.. "about the inquiry.
the inquiry offers an unprecedented opportunity to examine the extent to which institutions and organisations in england and wales have taken seriously their responsibility to protect children.. the inquiry will investigate a wide range of institutions including:.
Does jwfacts, jw survey, etc have this information? We need to keep this thread at the top... -
If you could do anything publicly to get JWs out
by cognac inand money wasn't an issue, what would it be?
"and wait for the wrath of the planet when Watchtower tries to retract the statement."
hahahahaha, this cracked me up!
If you could do anything publicly to get JWs out
by cognac inand money wasn't an issue, what would it be?
These are all awesome ideas! -
new WT rule: no holding hands durning public prayer!
by leftchica inso i just caught a glimpse of this new wt magazine(study edition) of course.. from dec 28th titled.
"what do your prayers say about you".
so now they are focosing on every aspect of our lifes even our actions during prayer.
You know how easy it would be to piss them off? I think I could have a lot of fun with this, lol