what kind of work you could do... and even where you should sit in their “Kingdom Halls”.
How do they make decisions on what kind of work you do or where you should sit in the kingdom halls?
over the years here on the forum...i have read with interest many da letters.
brave people!!
not so brave.
what kind of work you could do... and even where you should sit in their “Kingdom Halls”.
How do they make decisions on what kind of work you do or where you should sit in the kingdom halls?
i was thinking of the passage at galatians 1:6-8.
"i marvel that you are being so quickly removed from the one who called you with christs undeserved kindness over to another sort of good news.7but it is not another; only there are certain ones who are causing you trouble and wanting to pervert the good news about the christ.8however, even if we or an angel out of heaven were to declare to you as good news something beyond what we declared to you as good news, let him be accursed.9as we have said above, i also now say again, whoever it is that is declaring to you as good news something beyond what you accepted, let him be accursed.".
so that was either hyperbole and irritation on his part and we shouldn't take it or anything else he said in a letter without some careful consideration, or he was seriously out of line in going down that road.. .
I just thought he meant because after Jesus time no angels would come down from heaven, so if one said they did, they were false... Paul never explained himself very well and even Peter said that so I think a lot of what he said is misunderstood...
I think it depends on the cats age...
lol, Isaac.
last saturday afternoon i heard the talk, "put on the lord jesus christ," at the circuit assembly.. one of the overriding questions guiding christians into straight paths was the expected, "what would jesus do?
" citing various texts, the speaker admonished that we should put up a hard fight for the faith, arming ourselves as soldiers.
all good.
That would cause curiosity and internet searches.
Even as a JW that's what I would have done. The curiosity would have gtten the better of me. Plus, if that DO could have public info, why wouldn't I be able to? I wonder how msny JWs went home and did the same thing...
i just recently found this, sad, but wanna share with you.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ocex1eu5v6u&feature=player_embedded.
Wow, this is really sad...
anybody see it?
i thought it was very odd how his mil accused him at the very beginning that he killed her.
i felt like she held back or was hiding a lot.. what were your thoughts?.
oops - sorry. Didn't see Snakes post...
anybody see it?
i thought it was very odd how his mil accused him at the very beginning that he killed her.
i felt like she held back or was hiding a lot.. what were your thoughts?.
Anybody see it? I thought it was very odd how his mil accused him at the very beginning that he killed her. I felt like she held back or was hiding a lot.
What were your thoughts?
my understanding is that if a child needs a blood transfusion and the parent refuses, the child becomes a ward of the state.
however, once the child gets the transfusion, do the parents just get the kid back?
does dss get involved?
My understanding is that if a child needs a blood transfusion and the parent refuses, the child becomes a ward of the state. However, once the child gets the transfusion, do the parents just get the kid back? Does DSS get involved? Is there any investigation? Any prosecution for the parents if the delay in the child getting a transfusion caused the child to die?
In other blood issue news... In Canada, on June 16, 2009 the Supreme Court of Canada made this decision regarding medical care of mature minors. "If the court is persuaded that the necessary level of maturity exists, the young person's view ought to be respected." This could lead to some very sad consequences...
do you tip your mailman, newspaper, oil delivery persons?
if so, what do you normally give?
who else do you tip?
Do you tip your mailman, newspaper, oil delivery persons? If so, what do you normally give? Who else do you tip?