Dear Truman,
With tears running down my face, my heart heavily aches for you. I'm so sorry for your loss.
i have been on this site daily, almost from its beginning, since i left the jws in 2001, but i have been more of a reader than a poster, as you can see from my post count.
i know few here know me, although i know many of you through reading your posts.
maybe it is not right to ask for support, when i generally stay quietly in the background of this forum, but i want only to speak a human misery of the deepest kind.
Dear Truman,
With tears running down my face, my heart heavily aches for you. I'm so sorry for your loss.
i know he somehow tricked his way in.
i thought him and russell had some sort of falling out???
what the heck happened??
I know he somehow tricked his way in. I thought him and Russell had some sort of falling out??? What the heck happened???
he thinks the light needs to get brighter on this so we are going to put a report together to give to the co. it's really bothering him because his dad was d'ffed for over 15 years - he has schizophrenia and even a co said he didn't think he should have ever been d'ffed to begin with.
he went to texas to save a woman from cockroaches - clearly this was because of his mental state.
he got f'ffed for that because they said he cheated on his wife and even if he didn't he had no business putting himself in that position.
He's so cute about it too... He says, "I don't want to tell them they are wrong, just that the light needs to get brighter". lol
he thinks the light needs to get brighter on this so we are going to put a report together to give to the co. it's really bothering him because his dad was d'ffed for over 15 years - he has schizophrenia and even a co said he didn't think he should have ever been d'ffed to begin with.
he went to texas to save a woman from cockroaches - clearly this was because of his mental state.
he got f'ffed for that because they said he cheated on his wife and even if he didn't he had no business putting himself in that position.
Thanks Balter.
Ding - I'm not sure. I'll have to ask...
he thinks the light needs to get brighter on this so we are going to put a report together to give to the co. it's really bothering him because his dad was d'ffed for over 15 years - he has schizophrenia and even a co said he didn't think he should have ever been d'ffed to begin with.
he went to texas to save a woman from cockroaches - clearly this was because of his mental state.
he got f'ffed for that because they said he cheated on his wife and even if he didn't he had no business putting himself in that position.
He thinks the light needs to get brighter on this so we are going to put a report together to give to the CO. It's really bothering him because his dad was d'ffed for over 15 years - he has schizophrenia and even a CO said he didn't think he should have ever been d'ffed to begin with. He went to Texas to save a woman from cockroaches - clearly this was because of his mental state. He got f'ffed for that because they said he cheated on his wife and even if he didn't he had no business putting himself in that position.
Recently he switched halls and suddenly got reinstated. Nothing about him had changed.
Hubby is resentful about this. If he gets d'ffed for this I will be right there with him getting d'ffed myself.
ok so if you look at my membership and post history im very much a new member here, but have been researching things for some months on and off, so i have not made any sudden decisions..... i have been reading heaps of reasoning here as to why many of you have left jws, particularly those of you who have left for reasons of conscience.
i have just read crisis of conscience, which has become the proverbial "nail in the coffin" for me.. for many reasons i am no longer one of jehovahs witnesses in my heart, but i still identify myself as a christian, and will continue to uphold bible principles in my life.
the two big realisations for me is that: one: i do not have to compromise my bible trained conscience to make this differentiation, and it does not make me a true apostate, although loyal jws would label me that.
My husband was the same way for awhile. He's at war within himself. When he got like that I just avoided the topic of religion and engaged in activities we enjoyed together - like apple picking, walks, dnners, long drives, etc.
Hope things get better soon!
so, hubby and i went to his cousins ceremony for becoming a state trooper.
i thought it was beautiful ceremony and told my parents all about it.
it was an honor to be there.
lol, I know Blondie! It wasn't even worth the argument...
so, hubby and i went to his cousins ceremony for becoming a state trooper.
i thought it was beautiful ceremony and told my parents all about it.
it was an honor to be there.
So, hubby and I went to his cousins ceremony for becoming a state trooper. I thought it was beautiful ceremony and told my parents all about it. It was an honor to be there. I said they go out every day and put their lives on the line for us. They are hero's in my book. I told them how touching it was when I saw a father who works for the military, police force etc pinning his own son knowing firsthand the life that is now in front of his own child. And it brought me to tears when I saw one of them holding his newborn daughter. I told my parents there is nothing like a man in a uniform holding his baby! They commented that there won't be uniforms in the new system.
My mother was put back by all this and asked if they had guns. Hubby and I said of course and told them all about how they were throwing them back and forth to eachother and how it was a part of the ceremony. Then, we showed some of the pics we took and commented on how beautiful the suits were and how they looked like they were from the 1800's.
Then, my father commented that coal miners put their lives on the line and that their jobs are the most dangerous. I started laughing and looked at him funny cause he was defensive about it and it didn't have to do with what we were talking about. So, I just said, "ok , they are hero's too". lol
i just started in sales recently and have been really good at it.
of course, i grew up a jw, lol.. anyways, i was working on closing an account and took another guy at my work with me to go over the specifications and get quotes and that sort of thing.
well, after the meeting he called and emailed her to ask further questions without my knowledge.. so, i called her yesterday and she completely flipped out about the way he treated her saying that he was pressuring her and bullying her.
Joe - Not sure if me being a woman has anything to do with it... But, I do know that because I'm new with sales he's trying to be a part of all my stuff...
Just to clarify, we hadn't even officially gotten the sale yet. We were supposed to get it last week. I think he tried to call her to close it before me.
i just started in sales recently and have been really good at it.
of course, i grew up a jw, lol.. anyways, i was working on closing an account and took another guy at my work with me to go over the specifications and get quotes and that sort of thing.
well, after the meeting he called and emailed her to ask further questions without my knowledge.. so, i called her yesterday and she completely flipped out about the way he treated her saying that he was pressuring her and bullying her.