Based on these allegations,
Lopez'samended complaint asserted six causes of action against Watchtower and the Linda Vista congregation: negligence; negligent supervision/failure to warn; negligent hiring/retention; negligent failure to warn, train or educate; sexual battery; and sexual harassment.
Lopez alleged defendants were negligent because they knew or should have known of Campos's “dangerous and exploitive propensities and/or that [he] was an unfit agent”; they allowed Campos to come into contact with
Lopez without supervision; they failed to tell or concealed from
Lopez and his parents that Campos had previously sexually abused minors; they failed to tell law enforcement officials that
Lopez had been sexually abused, making it less likely
Lopez would receive medical/mental health care and treatment; and they held out Campos to
Lopez and his parents as being in good standing and
Lopez claimed “[b]y retaining and promoting [Campos] after learning of his past sexual abuse of children, [Watchtower] ratified and authorized [Campos's] conduct.”
Lopez alleged “[d]efendants acted with willful and conscious disregard of the rights and safety of others by repeatedly ignoring warnings and complaints that [Campos] had committed acts of sexual abuse upon minors and allowing [Campos] to attain and retain elevated positions within the
Jehovah'sWitness[es] religion ... [w]here he had access to unsuspecting minors.”