I thank everyone for their responses.
BTS - I apologize if I offended you with my query. I appreciate all of your posts, and I meant no disrespect when I asked if I could infer sarcasm/irony in your previous post. I guess you and I see things differently. Again, I apologize if I offended you.
M.J. - For me "perfection" would be the elimination/absence of suffering. I don't necessarily wish for eternal youth/life, or eternal bliss. I simply wish for the absence of suffering. It's ironic how we humans can most assuredly and justifiably condemn God for utterly lacking justice, using the very sense of justice that God supposedly endowed us with!!
Alpaca - It is a pleasure for me to read your posts; it's wonderful to have a person of your intelligence contributing to the discussions here. I know next to nothing of either cosmology or geology. But I do realize how scientists and thinkers in these two fields conceptualize time [and space.] They think in terms of eons, not years or generations. May I quote the French philosopher, Pascal who said: "When I consider the short duration of my lifetime, absorbed in the eternity that precedes and follows it, the tiny space I fill and I can see. lost in the infinite immensity of the spaces of which I know nothing and which know nothing of me, I am dismayed and astonished to find myself here rather than there; for there is no reason to be here rather than there; now rather than then. Who put me here? By whose order and conduct have this place and time been destined for me?"
DanT.M. - What you write reminds me of an idea in Jewish philosophy regarding the horror of murder/homocide. The notion is that when someone [person A] kills another person [person B], not only does person A kill person B, he/she also effectively kills every other person who would have been born from person B. Anyone who kills another person is also slaughtering countless succeeding generations.
But of course, most people don't even consider the horror of this idea, which reminds me of an infamous quote by Joseph Stalin who said: "The death of one man is a tragedy; the death of millions is a mere statistic." Burma is a small and hopelessly poor nation of absolutely no geo-political or strategic importance. Within days, this story will be forgotten. After all, Miley Cyrus did show part of her ass, you know. And that's important! That's news that sells!
JaguarBass - I also want to thank you for your sensitive and insightful posts. I think you're a real "cool" and intelligent person.
And, finally, BTS - I also appreciate your posts a lot. I'm sorry if I offeded you.