I agree with most of the comments posted here. I have been a suporter of SL in the past both with contribution and mostly by telling others about the web-site. This can be one of the biggest ways to offer support. If I tell 3 people and they tell 3 people and so on.. and so on... my 3 references grows to a great number in the long run.
It can be stated that the JW religion has valid goals and ideals.
- bring people into a relationship with god
- A world wide brother hood
- A solid hope for the future
These are all good ideals, however when people who question or do not agree with the WT leaders 100% are vilified as evil, slandered, lied about,..... how is this any different than the SL movement if it's leader acts the same way as the GB of Jehovahs witnesses?
I would like to see BB step up to the plate and do the right thing here. If Bill does care about the cause and victims then I am sure he will do the right thing and show some humility. If it does not happen then I see BB as no different than the GB of Jehovah's witnesses and only cares more about his image than he does for the movement and victims and I will no longer give support to his orginization.