Now, I am not condoning what he did. But I do know an animal will fight back when cornered.
You've described him as the first fiscal conservative martyr.
this site is apparently registered to the pilot:.
if youre reading this, youre no doubt asking yourself, why did this have to happen?
Now, I am not condoning what he did. But I do know an animal will fight back when cornered.
You've described him as the first fiscal conservative martyr.
this site is apparently registered to the pilot:.
if youre reading this, youre no doubt asking yourself, why did this have to happen?
Was he a Sunni or a Shi'ite?
a few weeks back, in the midst of the haiti tragedy, much discussion took place in cyberland about the tolerance [or indeed the insistence on] suffering by a loving god.
the furor over haiti has settled a bit [as unfortunately most tragedy is wont to do far too quickly in the human mind], but this persistent matter continues to chew at my subconscience.
today i came across this:.
Some people are unable to walk through this world without crutches.
Unfortunately, the recovery takes so long. My upper thigh muscles still hurt.
looks like they're almost begging for elders and ms's.
take a fresh look.
the need for overseers and ministerial servants is greater today than ever before.we.
All religions with an only-male clergy face the same problems.
first of all, lets head off some potential problems before they start.
i am not doing this thread to argue.
if you would like to, thats fine.
But what I was trying to get at was the altruistic love we see so often, as well as the idiotic romantic love, serve no purpose in an evolutionary or survival of the fittest sense, so when John the writer of the letters , says "God is Love" does that mean that when we love, we bring God in to existence ?
I think loves makes perfect sense in an evolutionary sense. Parent/child attachment determines an individual's later ability to engage in long-term friendship bonds which increase his chance of "survival" and his feelings of well-being. It's a scientific fact that children who are brought up by nurturing, loving parents become more stable individuals, "fitter for survival" in our society.
There're plenty of books on the role empathy played in the evolutionary success of our species.
theism in its various forms has been since the beginning subjected to psychological analysis and treated as a phenomenon of the human mind.
perhaps it is time to turn the lens and examine the psychological reasons for atheism as well.
this approach should be especially inoffensive to many atheists/materialists since in their worldview, all phenomena are reducible to natural causes.
Freudian wet dream for theists. I thought we were getting past Freud in the 21st century.
This approach should be especially inoffensive to many atheists/materialists since in their worldview, all phenomena are reducible to natural causes.
Freud is offensive to anyone who has never been dreaming of having sex with his mother or killing his father.
first of all, lets head off some potential problems before they start.
i am not doing this thread to argue.
if you would like to, thats fine.
why do we love ?
What's the alternative?
first of all, lets head off some potential problems before they start.
i am not doing this thread to argue.
if you would like to, thats fine.
Everyone, regardless of what they say or how they act, everyone has a religion, a faith in something.
Please explain to me the words "religion" and "faith" then... I don't get it
a few weeks back, in the midst of the haiti tragedy, much discussion took place in cyberland about the tolerance [or indeed the insistence on] suffering by a loving god.
the furor over haiti has settled a bit [as unfortunately most tragedy is wont to do far too quickly in the human mind], but this persistent matter continues to chew at my subconscience.
today i came across this:.
False analogy hamilcarr. Science isn't moral. This thread is about moral reconciliation of the existence of God and Suffering. There is nothing moral to reconcile in global warming.
So it's your opinion that it's impossible to throw up a question regarding the moral reconciliation of the existence of God and suffering without thereby asserting God is real?
first of all, lets head off some potential problems before they start.
i am not doing this thread to argue.
if you would like to, thats fine.
I just want to point out that "Christians",Jews, and Muslims all believe in the same God.
How can you say they believe in the same God? Jews, Muslims and Unitarian Christian state that God is one and indivisible (that's 50% of those professing an Abrahamic faith), while Trinitarians (the other 50%) state that the One Being of God is composed of three divine persons. They consider the other's theology heretical and cast anathema upon one another.
Good luck with that one.