JoinedTopics Started by hamilcarr
Test Your Savvy On Religion
by hamilcarr inwhat's your score?.
op-ed columnisttest your savvy on religion .
by nicholas d. kristof .
Highlights of Annual Meeting 2010
by elderelite infor those who are interested, the following changes were announced yesterday at the agm.
1) mts school has been done away with.
a) in its place two new schools have been formed.
Atheists Excel in Religious Knowledge
by whereami inamen to these comments.. "goes to show you... if most people knew anything about religion, they'd be atheists.".
"it's easy, the more you know about religion, the easier it is to become an atheist.?".
CNN Falsifies History Of Muslim Domination of Spain
by Bangalore incnn falsifies history of muslim domination of spain.. http://bigjournalism.com/abostom/2010/08/23/cnn-deliberates-falsifies-history-of-muslim-domination-of-spain-shills-for-islam/.
Are you a theist and an agnostic?
by DT ini know this question could be either trivial, with a lot of theists shouting no, or overly complicated with endless debates about the definitions of theist and agnostic.
so, since i asked the question, why don't i also provide definitions.
please answer the question in relation to the definitions provided.
Great refutation of Watchtower's "Origin of Life" and "Was Life Created?" brochures
by Third Eye Open inlink: http://www.mediafire.com/?fzjmfambyro0fof.
the essay linked above was written specifically to address the new creationist brochures that were put out by the watchtower at this year's district convention.
the goals of the essay are the following:.
For Atheists & Strong Agnostics: (Believers can counter-post also!)
by UnDisfellowshipped infor atheists and strong agnostics (those who believe that we cannot know about god if he exists):.
i am posting this thread because i think it greatly help myself (and other christian believers) to better understand your beliefs and your viewpoints, if you posted a short (or long) summary of what the reasons and basis are for your not believing that there is a god, or for believing that we cannot know god if he exists.. you can include arguments against god, against the bible, against the christian interpretations of the bible, etc.. you can include scientific evidence that you believe contradicts the bible, or contradicts the existence of a god/creator/designer.. christians believers: you are welcome to post counter-arguments, or summaries for why you believe in god/creator/designer or why you believe in the bible or the christian interpretations of the bible.. i also thought it might be good to link to another lively thread we had on this website a while back: http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/watchtower/beliefs/175688/1/god-morals-and-atheists.
when you include your reasons for why you don't believe in god or the bible, or why you do believe in god or the bible, please include at least a little bit of the evidence (or link to the evidence) that backs up your statement.. for example, it doesn't do much good to claim "evolution is false" and just leave it at that, or on the other hand, to say "the bible is full of scientific errors" and just leave it at that.. here are two threads i posted where i explained the reasons why i personally believe in god and the bible:.
A critique of Dawkins' "Argument from Complexity."
by BurnTheShips inhttp://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/08/11/on-dawkinss-atheism-a-response/.
on dawkinss atheism: a responsemy august 1 essay, philosophy and faith, was primarily addressed to religious believers.
it argued that faith should go hand-in-hand with rational reflection, even though such reflection might well require serious questioning of their faith.
Atheists - Do you ever talk to God?
by AK - Jeff ini scream out sometimes.
am i angry at a 'being' that i don't think exists?
or the embedded concept?.