^I know. I tend to think a perfect naked lady would resolve problems, well at least in my book... :p
JoinedPosts by megawatt
You never know what may stroke a persons curiosity
by donny ini learned today that one can never know what may make a dedicated jw think.
i have a man working for me who is a pretty devout jw.
he knows i used to attend meetings and occasionaly tries to "rescue" me and i always throw him a few reasons as to why i quit and he just shrugs it off.
You never know what may stroke a persons curiosity
by donny ini learned today that one can never know what may make a dedicated jw think.
i have a man working for me who is a pretty devout jw.
he knows i used to attend meetings and occasionaly tries to "rescue" me and i always throw him a few reasons as to why i quit and he just shrugs it off.
Uh oh, independent thinking alarm going off!!! Quick to the elder mobile!!!!
when did the truth bcome the truth
by logic ini was sitting here thinking, which seems to be an indangered thing to do nowadays.
it was about the last several discussions i have had with jws that i am related to and friends with.
the things that i noticed is that you can hold the discussion for about 10 minutes while they try to answer your questions then they get agitated and then angry, they refuse to talk anymore and tell you that they know it is the truth no matter what so called proof you have, and that is all just apostate talk.
Plain and simple, how bubba likes it. If ain't the truth, then it's false. It's not applicable for today, then it was never the truth to begin with. Think about it. It is really that simple. How can anyone accept the terminology spew by The Borg? I didn't see it before, and always thought those not accepting were the goat like ones. But I had to deal with a real issue where inner conflict (finally logic kicked in)came about and I had to make a decision. I could no longer make anymore excuses for The WTBTS...
Great topic (since I'm about to go through this myself)and great response terry! Always enjoy reading what you post up!!!
how do you prove to a JW that they they were wrong about 1975?I
by paybacktime19 ini need written proof in their own publications ..
Couldn't imagine going through that excitment to have it all come down within a matter of months of the so called date.
IMHO- It's almost a lost cause if a jw won't accept whats in print by their own organization, especially regarding 1975. It's not apostate publication, its your own AWAKE and WT magazines!!!
Witness in-laws destroyed my marriage
by James_Slash ini shall give you a little of information about myself.. i am 28 and from the uk.
i was baptised as a jw (big mistake) in 1996. i married a 'sister' in 2004 and had a child with her in may 2006.. however, things have turned really sour.. last year, my now ex-wife walked out of our home with support from the police, social workers and domestic violence workers.
by chance i returned from work one day to discover her family (her grandmother in particular) perched outside the local police station.
Not even the well being of The Family unit. It's ok to lie and put your selfish needs in first place as long it's in alignment with WTBS. Sounds like you're doing great, and going in the right direction.
Keep us posted!!!
Wake Up -- Possible Local Mini-Scandal
by West70 inat the risk of causing some excitement around here, and since i haven't posted anything here in a long time, i thought i would post some links which maybe someone here can provide a reasonable explanation as to why a north dakota congregation's name would be on what possibly is a contract to provide home health care services to possibly some elderly jw -- but in illinois ????
click on the links on the following webpages: .
kingdom hall of jehovahs witnesses .
I hate cliff hangers. How bout spilling the beans.
Welp- Talked to an elder
by megawatt inspoke to an elder and mentioned i had some concerns that need addressing.
he asked if it's about the organization and i answered with a simple yes.
it's something i don't want to do, but for some reason the better half thinks it's necessary, as if i need a different perspective on my research and maybe he'll be able to shed some light on my doubts.
Not sure about the legality here in the US, but I know if it's in public, it's a one party consent.
1914, does anyone want to comment on this Link's topic?
by NotaNess inyou might have to register real quick to post but does anyone want to put some info up against this witness?.
here's the link:.
Looks like an official response from WATCHTOWER.COM on the last post( *GASP*, WTBS using the internet, changing tactics?). To be honest, soo much info I'm going through right now, I'm not well versed yet on the 607 bce subject. But if anything like their other doctrines and fallacies, I'm sure anyone who puts a few hours of research in the subject should be able to DEBUNK all that verbal diarrhea.
I've just ordered Gentile Times reconsidered by Carl Jonsson.
It's time for me to say Goodbye
by oldflame ini have been on this board for 7 or 8 years, i have learned a great deal from all of you, but it is time for me to move on and put my life in a different direction.
so i say so long, who knows maybe sometime in the future i will pop in and say hi.
thanks to all of you who have done a great deal for me, i have learned a lot about cult religions and a lot about myself.
I don't know you, but I wish you well.
My journey has just started. Good luck in whatever you do...