So question for you all: if an AIDS vaccine is indeed invented/discovered - will you have yourself innoculated?
so question for you all: if an aids vaccine is indeed invented/discovered - will you have yourself innoculated?
So question for you all: if an AIDS vaccine is indeed invented/discovered - will you have yourself innoculated?
for all those who still claim to have "faith" in a god or who believe in a 6th sense or in the paranormal there lies a golden opportunity in your path.. press release from the james randi educational foundation:.
at jref, we offer a one-million-dollar prize to anyone who can show, under proper observing conditions, evidence of any paranormal, supernatural, or occult power or event.
the prize is in the form of negotiable bonds held in a special investment account.
Why no takers?
Where are the demon fundy's?
Where are the new-age crystal worshippers?
Where are those who have "allowed" themselves to communicate with the spirit realm?
I have been told that I am "closed" to the spirit show me why I should not be...afterall you will be paid handsomely for your efforts.
Are money and spirituality mutually exclusive? Is faith indeed blind?
my jw wife is teaching my nearly-3yr old to pray before meals.
i'm cool with that... doesn't bother me at all.
the problem is, i'd like to accept my role as father but i don't know how to lead in this area.
Why pray before the meal and not after the meal?
I mean what if the food sucks? Can you get a refund on your prayer?
this got me to thinking.... now that most of us have left the wts, i notice some have taken other belief systems.
some have come to a peace with their own ideas.. my question is are you involved with another religion?
has it brought you more peace or happiness?
I am pleased to say rationally: I am no longer an opium addict!!!
for all those who still claim to have "faith" in a god or who believe in a 6th sense or in the paranormal there lies a golden opportunity in your path.. press release from the james randi educational foundation:.
at jref, we offer a one-million-dollar prize to anyone who can show, under proper observing conditions, evidence of any paranormal, supernatural, or occult power or event.
the prize is in the form of negotiable bonds held in a special investment account.
I was always told "The Lord will provide..."
Well all believers here he is can also give a fine testament of your faith...step up please!!
"The Lord helps those who help themselves"
"How long will you keep your talent buried, evil slave?"
for all those who still claim to have "faith" in a god or who believe in a 6th sense or in the paranormal there lies a golden opportunity in your path.. press release from the james randi educational foundation:.
at jref, we offer a one-million-dollar prize to anyone who can show, under proper observing conditions, evidence of any paranormal, supernatural, or occult power or event.
the prize is in the form of negotiable bonds held in a special investment account.
c'mon step need to remain a church mouse
you can even donate some to the church and receive extra blessings...
for all those who still claim to have "faith" in a god or who believe in a 6th sense or in the paranormal there lies a golden opportunity in your path.. press release from the james randi educational foundation:.
at jref, we offer a one-million-dollar prize to anyone who can show, under proper observing conditions, evidence of any paranormal, supernatural, or occult power or event.
the prize is in the form of negotiable bonds held in a special investment account.
For all those who still claim to have "faith" in a god or who believe in a 6th sense or in the paranormal there lies a GOLDEN opportunity in your path.
Press release from the James Randi Educational Foundation:
At JREF, we offer a one-million-dollar prize to anyone who can show, under proper observing conditions, evidence of any paranormal, supernatural, or occult power or event. The prize is in the form of negotiable bonds held in a special investment account. The JREF does not involve itself in the testing procedure, other than helping to design the protocol and approving the conditions under which a test will take place. All tests are designed with the participation and approval of the applicant. In most cases, the applicant will be asked to perform a relatively simple preliminary test of the claim, which if successful, will be followed by the formal test. Preliminary tests are usually conducted by associates of the JREF at the site where the applicant lives. Upon success in the preliminary testing process, the "applicant" becomes a "claimant."To date, no one has ever passed the preliminary tests.
So, instead of blind faith...prove it to yourself, prove it to the world (if your claims are true surely the world will then be a better place). Click here to apply
Why try and convince people here of their errant ways or lack of spirituality when there exists a forum for you to convince the whole world and pocket a cool million at the same time.
Put your mouth where the money is...
Can a rational person decide to act irrationally?
in the case of silent lambs versus the christian congregation of jehovah's witnesses.. did you ever think that discussing these cases here accompanied by your vitriole against all things watchtower could be used to:.
1. show that ex jehovahs witnesses harbor such a hatred for the watchtower society that they will say anything to discredit them.. 2. show that there is a network of ex jehovahs witnesses that may have helped to create these abuse accusations in the alledged victims' minds or at least have encouraged them, even unwittingly, to exaggerate their claims.. i guarantee you that the watchtower society has documented every word anyone here has said, especially on this issue.
i can easily see a defense team using it to, if not exonerate accused molesters and the watchtower society, to at least create a reasonable doubt regarding their guilt.. if your hatred of the watchtower causes you to join in irrational behavior and accusations, you have to contemplate the fact that you may be adding to the future grief of any real victims.. i present this for your thoughtful consideration.. as always, i wish all here peace.. joel
Good points...I agree with them. Looking at them through the eyes of a legal strategist, it is hard to disagree with them.