JoinedPosts by gravedancer
by VioletAnai inthank you, thank you, thank you for making me see that i'm wasting my time being in a world of bitter, twisted, self-absorbed people and helping me to wake up to the benefits of being a jehovah's witness!
if any of you come back with the ol - the jw's are full of bitter, twisted, people (in the most stupid arse voice of course!
), i'll reply, yeah, but not as rampant as the rest of the me crazy if you like, i don't care, because it's my salvation i'm worried about not've thrown it away because you can't see the bigger picture....trials and tribulation will always abound in this day and is proving like job that we are not discouraged by the trials that gains us the most happiness because we know the trials won't go on much longer and jah will repay us 100 fold for our pain....that's a damn good reward to me!
Hyghlandyrs Four Pillars, his Hygh Geas.
by Hyghlandyr insome of you know that i have stated i am amoral.
that means that i have no moral system.
no ethical system either.
What is osme?
That is OSAMA in Gaelic...
What is the most unBiblical teaching of the JWs?
by jerome init has been said that the jws hold to many beliefs that are unnsupported scripturally and inforce many 'unwritten' rules which they refer to as 'principles'.. i would like to start off the thread with what i think is the most important unbiblical teaching that they need to promote inorder to exist.. the watchtower teaches that "a prophet is able to make mistakes while he is speaking for god and still be considered as true.
mind you that these are not slips of the tounge but doctrines and predictions that have been promoted for years and have only been modified only after the watchtower had no choice but to change them.. this in my opinion is the most unscriptural teaching that the watchtower promotes.
if it werent for this teaching then the watchtower would most definately have to be marked as a false prophet!
This is a big assumption because it assumes the Bible is correct to begin with.
Hyghlandyrs Four Pillars, his Hygh Geas.
by Hyghlandyr insome of you know that i have stated i am amoral.
that means that i have no moral system.
no ethical system either.
I have not spoken with you offline....but I think you are misunderstood. Much of your intricate humor is being overlooked.
preventing baptism of minors
by og inhere is the situation: my wife is a very faithful true believer (and a wonderful person, i will add, who really wants to do what's right) i have been da'd about a year, and we have 2 children.
our oldest is 13, and really buys into the witness line ( as, of course, i professed to until last summer) and i am fairly sure she is considering baptism.
here is my question: as one half of her parents, is there any legal doctrine that would allow me to prevent her baptism until she is 18?
great post noidea
Hyghlandyrs Four Pillars, his Hygh Geas.
by Hyghlandyr insome of you know that i have stated i am amoral.
that means that i have no moral system.
no ethical system either.
This is a sad day: I have a confession. I am totally fucked up...WHY do I say that? Because after reading this thread I understand Hyghlander.
Hygh - your honesty is fabulous. If the rest of the world would stop trying to pretend about stuff they would see how much they lie to themselves.
Thanks for the thread.
Hyghlandyrs Four Pillars, his Hygh Geas.
by Hyghlandyr insome of you know that i have stated i am amoral.
that means that i have no moral system.
no ethical system either.
...I am a shape shifter
it is called middle aged with it
Is Anyone a Pantheist ?
by LucidSky inis anyone a pantheist ?.
in my search for the meaning of life, it has been only a month or two since i've actually become agnostic.
my reason for the final rejection of christianity was that i could not believe a god of love, justice and wisdom would create a world that along with life/pleasure would also foster death/suffering for seemingly infinite numbers of innocent and not-so-innocent beings.
1) God might exist. We can't disprove he doesn't exist. But is the universe even possible if he doesn't?
You cannot prove that fairies don't exists either. You cannot prove that invisible people aren't watching you right now either... When absurdities (yes Iknow it seems strange to call the notion of God absurd - but thats just because we have spoken of him for so long and grown accustomed to it.)(2) God is omnipotent. The universe astounds, staggers and confuses me. It is beyond awesome in size, power, complexity, etc. Even our own existence is beyond my understanding.
Again just because something is so big or so out of scope from our thinking ....avoid assigning "supernatural" labels to it. Perhaps try reading some of the work of Dawkins ("The Blind Watchmaker" for instance).(3) God may or may not be omniscient. Perhaps we are just God's science experiment or play toy or his imagination?
If God DOES exist he is pretty damn lousy huh?(4) God is not perfectly loving. Why doesn't he love us enough to save us and everything else?
If God DOES exist he is pretty damn lousy huh?(5) God is not perfectly just. Why has life been full of evil and hurt for millions of years?
If God DOES exist he is pretty damn lousy huh?Lucid, keep thinking it is alot. I have chatted with you a few times and you are definitiely intelligent and bright. Don't accept anything that you cannot prove...if it isn't provable then ignore it or disprove it but don't waste any time with it and certainly don't allow its so called "morals" to rule your life and time. We are "moral" for one reason only - self preservation. Broaden your scope and don't accept the lines that others draw. For example "Nature". Nature is INCLUSIVE of MAN and what he brings to the world (even if it is destructive) - it is all part of and explained by Darwinisim and accelerated evolution.
Reject the thought of religion and faith...Faith is an excuse for acceptance and is the greatest copout and excuse in history. Whole groups of people commit terrible acts because of it, they are rewarded by not having to pay taxes because of it. One day it will be seen for what it is and those tables will turn - probably not in my lifetime but who knows?
How to spot a Sociopath
by larc inwhy is it important to be able to spot a sociopath?
the basic reason is that they can do enormous damage to you.
they can ruin your life.. what is the overiding characteristic of a sociopath?
That big red button on your head is awfully big!! But I will refrain from pushing it.
When I first posted that I was a sociopath it seemd from your first post that you were referring to posters on this board. I made a joke because as far as the board goes (I have no desire for emotional exchange on here for the very reason that there are people here who seek vulnerability and they try to exploit it) - hence in pixel land consider me a sociopath.
As far as the board is concerned I wish to be "dehumanized" (a classic symptom of a sociopath - no?). Has it ever occurred to you that people get tired of the attacks? You being the super-shrink, surely you have studied the military phenomenom of dehumanization? That is often ingranined during 2 periods: training and combat.
Dehumanizing oneself or those around you, especially on this medium, is a method of protection...
But you probably knew all this I won't waste your precious research time any further.
This is not a propagated attack on you - if you choose to take it that way that's entirely up to you.
married couples who post
by teejay ini just found out today who jts wife is.
she posts here.
theres also another couple i found out about.
Ok time to come clean...I am really maried to Teejay!