In my opinion posting porn is much less offensive than the biggotism being shown on here today?
Is it OK to slam Americans like this? This is a crock of bullshit!!!!!!!!
in my opinion posting porn is much less offensive than the biggotism being shown on here today?
is it ok to slam americans like this?
this is a crock of bullshit!!!!!!!
In my opinion posting porn is much less offensive than the biggotism being shown on here today?
Is it OK to slam Americans like this? This is a crock of bullshit!!!!!!!!
in a recent topic someone mentioned how much they have drifted from god since they "left the jw's.".
as someone brought up in the org (inactive for several years)i have found this to be similiar in my case.
i don't know how much i believe the fan/plug analogy (remember that in the live forever book?
With all due respect, get a grip man.
How does a blind person explain the colors of a rainbow?? Maybe to him they do not exist because they are yet to be proved in his mind, right? God/Creator then must be a state of mind
The purpose of my post was to show you the linguistic games that people play. If this thread had been entitled "Do you believe in God?" then that is one thing. However, when we use linguistics to change the meaning of something then it becomes suggestive.
As regards the blind man illustration - its a weak argument. The majority of people can see the rainbow and they can point to it as an indisputable fact - therefore pointing to the sensory inability of someone with a physical disability is a silly proof?
My point stands: If God is real then why does belief in his existence require FAITH? - plain and simple. I am not disputing the fact that people beleieve and are free to believe, I am just letting you know that the emeperor is butt-naked and you are trying to admire his big shiny buckle.
in a recent topic someone mentioned how much they have drifted from god since they "left the jw's.".
as someone brought up in the org (inactive for several years)i have found this to be similiar in my case.
i don't know how much i believe the fan/plug analogy (remember that in the live forever book?
If I called you and told you that I was going to give you a million would say to me: "for REAL??"
Then would you go out and SPEND like crazy before you REALLY knew the money was in your account?
The question is rhetorical....
We would want to ENSURE that we knew without a doubt that the money was there.
Fastforward to the concept of God and the common teachings that God will reward us if we make all these personal sacrifices to serve him.
I will be the first person in line to make the sacrifices in terms of TIME, EFFORT and OPPORTUNITY LOSS if I knew for sure that God was REAL and I knew for sure that he was indeed making me this offer of future "paradise".
The fact is NO ONE can come close top proving the REALITY of God. He cannot be real to you if you have to exercise faith in his existence - that is a logical contradiction. So do people have faith in God? Yes.....Is he REAL to them? No way!! If so he should be provable to others, right?
check it out.... "...if so little of the bible is actually used, then why isn't the rest deleted".
when i was a 'dub, i beleived that faith was the hebrews 11 thing, but since i have put aside that way of thinking and no longer believe god or believe the bible to be anything more than a collection of human history and philosophy, i tend to think in terms of faith being no more than the dictionary definition: .
1 a : allegiance to duty or a person : loyalty b (1) : fidelity to one's promises (2) : sincerity of intentions.
2 a (1) : belief and trust in and loyalty to god (2) : belief in the traditional doctrines of a religion b (1) : firm belief in something for which there is no proof (2) : complete trust.
If faith is a feeling that you believe something....without evidence (else it is fact) then you are truly stretching things when you think you can communicate with God. Why? Two reasons:
1. You need faith to believe in God
2. Assuming #1 is correct you need faith to believe that you are using the correct mechanism of trying to communicate with this God.
was written next and makes a brief mention of the resurrection and ascension; which includes a conspiracy theory about the body being stolen (matt.
where did jesus first appear?
where else did jesus appear?
thank you, valis, for posting to following info:.
this seems closer to me than anything i have found yet.
it also seems to fit the bill for several others who replied on that thread.
When you are having sex with more than one God it is called "bi-lingual." "cunning-linguist"!!!
thank you, valis, for posting to following info:.
this seems closer to me than anything i have found yet.
it also seems to fit the bill for several others who replied on that thread.
was written next and makes a brief mention of the resurrection and ascension; which includes a conspiracy theory about the body being stolen (matt.
where did jesus first appear?
where else did jesus appear?
This is God speaking through an empty vessel named Gravedancer. Hear ye what I commandeth you today:
If you do all these things my servants then I will be sure to make sure that you live a long time and wash windows forever.
i was so saddened yesterday when i read this post by kent.
there is so much information on wo that have helped thousands of people.