Good post, jgnat.
I totally agree that hope is a GOOD thing. As I wrote even a false hope that nevers fails (by PROVING false) is better than NO hope.
Lack of hope is one of the issues I have to deal with at the current stage in my life. To be honest I preferred having a hope in the Paradise and the Resurrection than the lack of hope I experience. I would rather live believeing totally in that false hope (until such time as I died) than live with the concept that if one of my kids died that it is the END and its all over with NO hope of seeing them again.
This is one of the reasons why I have not tried to convince my parents that the dubs are all wet. They are in their twiglight years....why destroy their hope? That is a worse alternative than being right.
This is just my opinion and I am of course mentally unbalanced, crazy and over-sensitive.