What crime did I commit.....go back and eat your kitty litter!!
i lifted this from the "other" board.. you say we will never know the answer?
i have the answer.
my sister, who met, and liked farkel, was so turned off by ***(the fighting and the picture of one poster's penis) she is going back to the hall.
What crime did I commit.....go back and eat your kitty litter!!
i lifted this from the "other" board.. you say we will never know the answer?
i have the answer.
my sister, who met, and liked farkel, was so turned off by ***(the fighting and the picture of one poster's penis) she is going back to the hall.
I lifted this from the "other" board. say we will never know the answer? I have the answer. My sister, who met, and liked Farkel, was so turned off by ***(the fighting and the picture of one poster's penis) she is going back to the Hall. My uncle is upset with me for letting his anonymity "out of the bag", he is paranoid that the brothers will see him on the net and he will be in trouble! This whole thing has got out of hand, and it pisses me off because I have spent hundreds of hours of talking to the both of them about this org. Can't the apostates on the other board get it through their thick heads that witnesses are brainwashed and you need to handle them with "kidd gloves" if you are going to help them to get out of the cult? All that place is to me is a popularity contest, with nutcases telling Simon what to do. Right now I am upset, because this has affected MY family, and some of those prick bastards could care less. Why doesn't Simon disfellowship "You Know"? He comes on the board to just piss people off! How about kicking "Fred Hall" off? My uncle has been very disturbed by the dateline program and then he started reading info about the UN, then all this shit happens! Now he told me"I don't want to hear any of this!". So I hope those hateful pricks over there are happy!
As far posting the disgusting, vile thread, "Do you swallow", I appreciate that you saw my point and that you defended me, but I failed miserably. It didn't work. I believe in freedoms and I don't care what the hell people do with their penises, vaginas, and bungholes...I just don't want to know about it. Simon lets pure vomit be posted on that board and does nothing, as long as the poster who is posting the filth is popular among other posters. Simon is so obvious, he is transparent. Had D8TA, 144,001, Mr. Moe, LDH, slipnslidemaster, Garbagegirl, legsspreadapartallday, alwaysonmyback, and some others on that board posted my post "Do you swallow?", there would have been 3 million replies telling them how couragous they were for posting such a brilliant post,and for asking such a couragous question, and then replying in detail in answer to those sick questions that I asked. Poor Mr. Moe, she thought I was serious and she answered them!!! My nephew is friends with some porno stars up here in the High Desert. He goes to these cage fights with them and has partied with them. He says that they hardly ever talk about sex, they like to talk about real estate, movies, motorcycles, and other things of the sort. So what is up? Are we here to shock the shit out of JW lurkers? I will guarantee you that if I had encountered that kind of filth and those kind of put downs on H20, when I first got on there a year and a half ago as a witness, I would have never returned!
just seen her do it, less than a minute ago.
serina beat her sister venus to win the wimbledon women's tennis championships a moment ago.
in front of the whole centre court, sue barker asked her for her comments over the microphone system.
She is bad association...look how she dresses....and her Mothers hair....I mean if you were sitting behind her how could you see the conductor of the WT study....its a spiritual distraction!!!
there is an evolution question bubbling up down the threads a little way, and it minded me to try to really get to the nub of the opposition to the technique.. i would like to pose very serious questions, and i hope they attracts serious, considered responses - once and for all.. why is it impossible, in the minds of anti-evolutionists, that god did indeed create us, the earth, the sun, and everything around us including the entire physical universe, and that evolution was his technique; evolution as a divine technique?
how do you know, how are you so certain that's not the case?
how would you explain your opposition to god if he told you personally that, yep, that's the way he did it alright?.
Eric....I thought the unicorns were blue. I feel so betrayed....
there is an evolution question bubbling up down the threads a little way, and it minded me to try to really get to the nub of the opposition to the technique.. i would like to pose very serious questions, and i hope they attracts serious, considered responses - once and for all.. why is it impossible, in the minds of anti-evolutionists, that god did indeed create us, the earth, the sun, and everything around us including the entire physical universe, and that evolution was his technique; evolution as a divine technique?
how do you know, how are you so certain that's not the case?
how would you explain your opposition to god if he told you personally that, yep, that's the way he did it alright?.
My standard answer for belief in God is this: "it can't hurt!" I'm not being cute, either. I'm covering my bases
Farkel, thats a incomplete(I'm not being cute either). Heres why:
Lets say we take the attitude that "it can't hurt". we say we will believe in God. Who is he/she? What does that belief mean? What do I have to do to show I believe in this God? What does God expect from me?
If we cannot answer those basic questions then we might as well NOT believe because our actions and behaviours are then not affected at all by the belief.
the grand is not mine but my mothers.
she just went through a nasty divorce.
she left her df pedophile husband.
Be very careful of annuities....thats all I I have to say.
Do yourself and your Mom a favor and find a professional who will provide a balanced portfolio that is diversified in NO LOAD funds.
there is an evolution question bubbling up down the threads a little way, and it minded me to try to really get to the nub of the opposition to the technique.. i would like to pose very serious questions, and i hope they attracts serious, considered responses - once and for all.. why is it impossible, in the minds of anti-evolutionists, that god did indeed create us, the earth, the sun, and everything around us including the entire physical universe, and that evolution was his technique; evolution as a divine technique?
how do you know, how are you so certain that's not the case?
how would you explain your opposition to god if he told you personally that, yep, that's the way he did it alright?.
not faith with intelligence
Frank - you refer to faith with intelligence.....and I know you are trying to get believers to reconcile evolution together with their faith in this thread.
But I am asking, without being a smart-ass even if it comes across as such. how does one intelligently have faith. Now I am not saying that people with faith are stupid (some of the smartest guys whoever lived had faith) but using intelligence how does one reconcile faith into the equation:
Alanf and Amazing, if you are reading then please weigh in here with your thoughts too.
barbara anderson gave her first hand account that there are many names and details of pedophiles' criminal activities inside wts headquarters.
many victims have come forward to say that the very pedophiles who victimized them are out on the streets.
so, what more is needed for the authorities to get a hold of those criminals that the wts is harboring?
Andersen has already shredded them.....
there is an evolution question bubbling up down the threads a little way, and it minded me to try to really get to the nub of the opposition to the technique.. i would like to pose very serious questions, and i hope they attracts serious, considered responses - once and for all.. why is it impossible, in the minds of anti-evolutionists, that god did indeed create us, the earth, the sun, and everything around us including the entire physical universe, and that evolution was his technique; evolution as a divine technique?
how do you know, how are you so certain that's not the case?
how would you explain your opposition to god if he told you personally that, yep, that's the way he did it alright?.
You made it clear that you believe in God, yet you also believe in evolution. It seems that some posters have ignored this and want to insist that atheism and evolution go hand in hand. Certainly atheists and agnostics believe in the theory of evolution. However, many people like you, believe in evolution as well. It seems to me that some folks don't acknowledge this fact
Those who feel that one can believe in both have been asked by myself and others in this thread how they reconcile the 2 conflicting beliefs....Francois has partially answered and said he doesn't accept the principle of atonement (one of the big obstacles to believing in both). I have asked then what he establishes as the basis of his beliefs so we can discuss them rationally.
The same applies in my question to Josephus.
there is an evolution question bubbling up down the threads a little way, and it minded me to try to really get to the nub of the opposition to the technique.. i would like to pose very serious questions, and i hope they attracts serious, considered responses - once and for all.. why is it impossible, in the minds of anti-evolutionists, that god did indeed create us, the earth, the sun, and everything around us including the entire physical universe, and that evolution was his technique; evolution as a divine technique?
how do you know, how are you so certain that's not the case?
how would you explain your opposition to god if he told you personally that, yep, that's the way he did it alright?.
Josephus....good counter point: Why cant evolutionists accept God too?
So if I am to be open minded (I am actually empty minded :-)), therefore I will take you up on your offer and ask you to show me how to accept God and know God while still accepting evolution. How do I find God? Please don't show me the Bible as that is like putting the cart before the horse....first lets prove God exists and then find a way to prove that the Bible is his word.
I am all ears....and believe it or not (and I know most wont because I am highly critical of believers) I would love to know that there is a loving God out there.....I just can't find him/her. Anyone who can show me this God will be doing me a huge favor.
(edited to correct a typo)
Edited by - gravedancer on 6 July 2002 2:59:12