:-))) haha
not even through all the posts and I'm laughing my arse off.. I should I say fanny? *blush* yeah fanny in Australia definitely doesn't mean your rear end. Hence the sniggers down under during the opening sequence of "The Nanny". :-)
JoinedPosts by hotchocolate
by White Dove inwhat are some words or phrases that people outside of the usa find amusing or interesting?
by White Dove inwhat are some words or phrases that people outside of the usa find amusing or interesting?
Woo hoo! Cool subject.. ALRIGHTY WHERE TO START..
You know I find Americans seem to Hollywood-ise their speech. Like naming the terrorism attack "9-11" See if that happened in Australia they would probably be referred to as "the terrorist attacks" or something. The weird thing about the term 9-11 is that in just about every other part of the world the date 9-11 is actually the 9th of November.
Which brings me to: why are the dates written month-day-year? Doesn't it make more sense to do day-month-year to keep it in a logical sequence? Hmmm
Okay now I'm on a roll.. what's the deal with the English language being tweaked? Centre, favourite, organisation, neighbour. And what's more of a slap in the face is when Microsoft Word wants to put zeds in all my words, and I have to tell it "No, actually I'm REALLY writing English, thanks anyway." haha
Which brings me to zed. The 26th letter of the alphabet. Yep. Sorry folks, it's zed not zee. I think zee started up when Sesame Street needed their song to rhyme.. :-P heh heh
Oh dear I'm having way too much fun with this. Hey and why do you guys call your main meal an "entree"? The word literally means "entrance" so we use it to describe the lighter, starter meal before the main. Hey so what do you call your entrees??
But seriously, secretly I'm a big time admirer of America. In fact, I plan on spending a lot of time there in the future. :-)
And I'm sure you can find some Aussie stuff to make fun of. By the way, we throw "prawns" on the barbies, not shrimps. :-P -
Well I'm Out!!!!
by ImFreeatlast init took a long time, but i can finally say i'm out and i took my family with me.. this is my first post but i have been reading here for a while.
i was brought up a witness, in a family that was very 'strong' (or so everyone thought).
i didnt have a relationship with my perents at all other than the 'family study'.
Hey Free.. I also know an elder pedophile in Oz, wonder if it's the same one.... Mate, congrats on the fade. Nice work. x
A little advice?
by Lo-ru-hamah ini would like some advice from any that are willing to offer it.. we have a neighbor that we have been developing a friendship with her and her husband.
my son likes to play with her boys of the same age as well.
she has four kids and they run all over her.
I think if I had four young kids and a person with only one said that to me, I'd be annoyed.
Four kids are hard to control at the best of times. Giving advice can work if done right, but criticism of a busy mum is not a good idea. I would have been more inclined to just offer suggestions of what works for you.
I would apologise. I'd tell her you realise that four is a whole different level to just one, you realise it's a huge job, and tell her what you like about her mothering skills. :-)
If you're not sure if you offended someone, I think the best thing is always to apologise in case. :-) -
Thank you Jamie Bowers, beautifully said. And quite true. I needed that.
Update on Husband...
by cognac inthis is really torture sometimes.... he made a run for it from this site, went out in service for 2 days and is back into full-fledge more jw.... that totally sucks... ackkk... i wouldn't care so much if he wanted to be a jw, it's just he's always pressuring me to be it also and live my everyday life the way that he wants to me to live it.
i feel like i'm being totally controlled... .
this is not going to happen like this forever.
I was going to all the meetings, but since the memorial I've managed to be sick for probably 4 out of 5 meetings. If I go, I leave early. With each meeting I skip it gets easier. :-)
The hidden Watchtower writers.
by edmond dantes inthe watchtower smoke and mirrors dept.
are very fond of saying that appostates who post on the internet are like satan in eden hiding their identity just like the devil who used the serpent.. this begs the question why do the awake and watchtower writers need to hide behind the printing presses of the evil tower, what are they ashamed of or more to the point what is the govening body frightened of ?.
maybe the book club and rip off society are guilty of identity theft in not declaring the names of their writers..
You know, just thinking on this now, how exactly does the society pass this off as Biblical? All the inspired Bible writers are freely mentioned, why would the current "channel of communication" hide their identities?
Mac or PC?
by wings inso i have a decent computer.
hp, nice sony monitor.
when my dad passed i inherited a new mac.
After many years of deliberation, I bit the bullet and went for the Mac. All I can say is:
I still remember my regular tantrums over the PC's I've had throughout the years, no matter how much money I spent, there was always freezing and slowness. Turning on the computer and then going to get a cuppa while it warmed up, whereas Mac is up in a second. And no virus software!
There are a few things you will find tricky, that's usually programs that haven't yet been Macked, what I did was purchased Parallels software which means I can run Windows on the same computer. This will mean another purchase of an operating system obviously, if you can manage to track down a copy of Windows XP instead of Vista I would highly recommend it. Having the access to Windows is handy, but you'll soon work out that it's the only thing that really screws with your computer, and I personally try to run it as little as possible..
Once you go Mac, you never go back. :-)
EDITED (again) TO ADD: I'm not sure about the PM issues amongst Mac users.. we don't have access to smileys or picture insertion etc, but I've always been able to send and receive PMs on JWD. -
Was I that lame???
by sparrow ini've been looking around on youtube lately and found the lamest crap from witnesses and wonder if i was ever that bad????
i must have been - i believed it.
the comments are even worse than the video posted!!!
Oh my goodness that was bloody hilarious.. I feel sorta bad about how hard I laughed at that poor guy...
She's always been AWAKE&WATCHING, now she's Supreme!
by brinjen incongratulations!
here's your pressie.... .
Yippeee! Onya chick. x