I think it's very normal to want an escape when you've been dealing with the fallout of leaving this religion. It lessens naturally as your own coping mechanisms kick in. Go to the doc and get some Campral (Aussie name, google) a great drug with few side effects. I used to just pop a couple with lunch on the days I wanted to curb my drinks. They take the cravings away. Regular dose is three times a day but it worked fine taken occasionally.
JoinedPosts by hotchocolate
Any luck kicking the bottle?
by Ignoranceisbliss inas i continue my sllllooooooowwwwwww fade one of the things that i want to do is better myself as a person.
one of my biggest pitfalls has always been drinking.
i don't think i am an alcoholic but at the same time i've never been a very good drinker.
WT Elders school: Look how cute that kindly old elder is! Too bad the Talmud says we have to stone our victim anyway
by sir82 inmore haphazard thougths on the recently concluded elder school..... a big chunk of time was spent on a video which traced a judicial case, all the way from the confession to the elders through the decision to disfellowship the guy.. here is a very brief synopsis of the video:.
tearful late-teen or early-20's publisher confesses to 2 elders that he committed fornication with a "worldly girl" who is now preganant and wants to marry him.
the elders give him some "homework" to do prior to his judcial committee - read psalm 51 and an old wt article.
Fan bloody tastic.
One way this religion will shoot itself in the foot is to become strict to the point of imitating the Scribes and Pharisees.
Human nature is the same now as it was back then - push men to their limit and they will rebel. Ignorance is the JW's best friend and unfortunately for them, their 'punishment' of disfellowshipping pushes people out into the wide world and forces them to face all the fears they've been taught to believe.
What a lot of self-important hypocrites. What is it, pride before a fall? They'll end up hoist by their own petard.
Good post thanks.
Good News - Jerry Sanduski Effectively Put Away for Life
by Yan Bibiyan inhot off the wire:.
methinks the wt shudav held off on that 10/01 boe letter re: reporting child abuse and "we decide who is a predator".
What an awful man, I rarely wish violence upon anyone but I'm not unhappy that he will at least partly pay during his time behind bars.
Is there a link to the JWs in this case?
Apostasy Trial - Part 6 It's finally all online...
by RayPublisher inthe entire saga, all 3 hours are now online.
this last one took hours and hours to edit and i am so glad it is done.
(although i still have the behind the scenes footage to put up on how i did the hidden camera lol!
Thank you so much for that, I'm still crying. You did an awesome job, and although I don't go along with the Christian perspective, your sincerity and passion resonated with me. Great video.
Question about confession and the two witness rule
by jwfacts ini need clarification on whether a person can confess, say to fornication with an unknown worldly person, and be disfellowshipped, despite the two witness rule not being fulfilled?.
how about if a person confesses to fornication, but the other person is a brother and denies it.
can either be disfellowshipped, since there is only one witness?.
Well, I know a person recently who was DF'd after confessing sex with a non-witness, so I guess yes, technically the two witness rule doesn't apply there.
But pedophilia relates more closely to the second instance - and if one party isn't coming to the party, I doubt the non-confessor would ever be disfellowshipped. And what's the percentage of pedophiles that are going to confess, let's face it? The rule was made 4000 years ago. IT'S A DUMB RULE. Certainly not a policy that is going to protect children today. That's why the authorities are the best people to handle things, not a bunch of clueless religious leaders.
The Way Things are, Not How You'd Like Them To Be
by AllTimeJeff inat 37 years of age, i'm much to young for feeling this damn old, so apologies for sounding less than idealistic, but...... we need people who will be honest and true to themselves.
having offered jws the entire decade of my 20's while they tried to suck out my soul, i have come to appreciate how little of a desire these days i have to change the world.
which was sad at first.
Sauerkraut PLEASE don't send that letter.
Avoiding the DF label will at least provide some options to your mum or other friends should they ever want to spend time with you at some point in the future. You can always send the letter, but you will not be able to retract it once sent.
Stop going to meetings, avoid the Memorial, never knock on another door, refuse to talk to elders and if you're ever confronted by an elder attempting to disfellowship you, lie through your teeth. Remember the Rahab article? You do not have to give truth to those not entitled to it.
By writing the letter you are still playing by THEIR rules. They do not own you. They have zero entitlement to your heart. What you believe is none of their f***ing business. Get them out of your life on YOUR terms. You spent years dancing to their sick tunes, don't dance anymore.
Rebelliousness is a symptom of intelligence, and there comes a time when you just can't continue to disengage your brain.
Congratulations. Let life begin!
:-) x
Greetings! My first post
by BU2B inhello all at jwn!
i have been a lurker here the last few months and have been going through the process of researching both sides of the story of jehovahs witnesses.
i was raised in the borg, got married and now have a young child.. my wife is very much dedicated to the organization and will justify anything the "slave" does putting it off on the borgs imperfection.
Congratulations on working it out.
I was in your situation three years ago, married and with a child. A big motivation for me leaving the marriage was that I did not want my child raised in a way that he would not experience all that life had to offer. I simply did not want him raised the way I was, I wanted him out of the circle of brainwashing.
On that basis I left the marriage (I was married from age 18 to 35) and never looked back, and that would be my personal recommendation every time.
Well ladies. What say you about the latest public tower
by therevealer inis this statement on page 5 "though the surgeon performs the actual operation, is he more important?
it is hard to say.".
meant to be translated "is the guy more important to the gal?
Kudra - thanks for your posts, I needed a belly laugh this morning. Nice work.
Hear ye!hear ye!!!!Take notice
by mouthy intomorrow the 22nd i will be 85 years old .
good wishes only please,remember if you say something nasty i will cry.
and my mum told me it is a sin to cry on your birthday .
Well a big
Happy 85th Birthday
you fabulous creature!
I love that you are a familiar face on the board - and it stands out a mile that you have a heart of gold. You deserve a wonderful birthday! XXX