JoinedPosts by nondescriptex
Hi, I'm new
by Diva inhi, this is my first post but ive been lurking around this discussion board for some time now.
my husband (the borg) occasionally posts and i had the pleasure of meeting some great people at the apostofest in covent garden, london last year arranged by bestie and sweetpea , hi to you both and hi to freetothink, mr majestic and everyone that was there hope youre all ok.. my story in a nutshell: raised a jw from birth, my whole family, expect one brother and sister (disfellowshipped) are still jws - basically i was raised in a family who were considered one of the pillars of the congregation, we all pioneered and did the whole witness thing, in fact one of my sisters is a missionary.
my whole jw world crumbled when i learnt about the jw/un connection and from that moment on there was no turning back.
Lurker for a long time, finally decided to take the plunge!
by Momma-Tossed-Me ini say this because i have been helped so much by the many posts that represent the way i feel about the wtbts.
it is good to know that there are so many people that feel this way.
i am currently inactive and dont comment but do attend meetings for the sake of the family.. my wife is still in and i have a daughter and one on the way.
Welcome! I also was a lurker, for a long time, and continue to enjoy the open discussion and feeling that I'm not alone.
Calling all ELDERS
by The Oracle inif you are an elder who frequents this site, please let me know.. i am trying to connect (completely anonymously - your privacy is assured) with as many elders as i can.
i know that there are hundreds of elders in the same position as myself (have had our awakening and have come to realize that "the truth" is a sham).. i encourage you to continue to serve as an elder and for you to work together with other like minded elders as a collective force for true good.
there is much we can do from the inside to help the cause.. there are thousands and indeed millions of kind and honest hearted people whose only crime is that they have allowed themselves to be deceived and are still active jws.
Oracle has stated the main objective was to help individuals, and it's good to see this being accomplished. I think that is a healthier and more productive goal than reforming or destroying the organization, by comparison. Due to the nature of the organization, it is extremely difficult to establish a network of inside leadership working for change or to help individuals. However, I suggest there is an informal collection of minds-in-agreement, without necessarily direct communication. I'm sure there are many elders, for example, who are influenced and encouraged by what they read here. They may never post, may never contact anyone here, might only share a silent understanding with a few local contacts. But they know they are not alone. Personally, one of the first things I enjoyed about this site was the realization that it wasn't just me, or a few JW's I knew, but MANY others who noticed the same problems I had noticed and felt the same frustrations.
"Taking care of a worldly friend isn't as important as the meetings!"
by Lady Zombie inmy best friend, who is *gasp* "worldly" had a semi-major surgery monday.
she had asked me if she could recooperate at my place.
it's nice and quiet at my place and besides, she knows i'll spoil her rotten.. yesterday (thursday) i had to take her to her doctor's for a post surgery check when i got off of work.
A typical example of what is so obviously wrong with JW thinking. Strain out the gnat and swallow the camel, follow the letter of the law and miss the spirit of the law, obsessive devotion to man-made rules and regulations, and so on. I wonder if they will ever recogize they have fallen in to the same corruption as the Pharisees.
DC Experiences - reality vs. perception
by sir82 inat a recent dc, an elderly sister was interviewed.
she recounted how she endured through many years of her husband's opposition, never giving up, until finally he relented.
eventually, he bacame baptized and joined her in the full-time pioneer work.. end of experience.
"Experiences" were one of the many things that made me back away from the organization. At first, I believed the experiences and thought they were real. Gradually, as I realized I was not having similar super-success and miracles in my theocratic life, they made me feel guilty and frustrated. Then, I eventually I came to know people who told their "experiences" on stage. It was a shock to me. Import details had been left out. Facts twisted. Exaggerations to the point of lying. As an active JW it made me feel sick. And the "experiences" were just a snapshot, one frame out of a movie, without context. They didn't tell what happened to that super-good pioneer family a few years down the line (regret, illness, kids left the truth due to the bad example, and so on). And THEN I started to worry... why the dishonesty? Why would God's organization resort to half-truths and dishonesty? It made no sense, when they would be more effective if they were REAL. Now I understand, sadly, they are an attempt to create an illusion, motivate through guilt, and make it seem like life as a JW is perfectly wonderful if you shut up and do what you're told no questions asked.
The practice of "Shepherding Calls" (attention ex-elders)
by Lady Zombie inthe practice of "shepherding calls" has always been somewhat of a mystery to me.. growing up, a shepherding call was for jws who were doing something that a few/some/most (didn't matter which) found stumbling or suspicious.
for instance, i remember my folks gossiping to each other about a jw couple who had been sloughing off the meetings in order to go dancing.
one of the congregation members (who were absent themselves on a particular night) saw them going into a dance club on a meeting night and promptly ran to an elder.
Everyone is supposed to get a shepherding call. Depending on the personality of your elders, you can probably continue to politely decline and they might eventually give up.
Another One Joins JWD
by allgoodthings... ini've been reading threads off and on for about a year now so i feel almost like i know some of you.
i just thought i would take the opportunity to introduce myself to the board.
it's very exciting to join up and become one of you.
Welcome! I lurked for a long time before posting too. It's a great thing, this forum. I like the freedom of expression, and getting the inside scoop on upcoming changes, which is usually quite accurate.
Few Jehovah's Witnesses bother to GRASP THEIR OWN THEOLOGY!!!
by Terry inkeep this one fact in mind about jehovah's witnesses.
they exist in three parts throughout their history.. 1. honest bible students attracted to the gimmicks of russell (charts, graphs, chronologies, pyramid inches, etc.
) expected the end of the world to come and they wanted to know more.. 2.contrarian hard heads under rutherford wanted to prove everybody was wrong about everything except themselves.
A couple of replies here mentioned the cross. I once had a return visit who was offended at a picture in a Watchtower showing Jesus on a stake instead of a cross. He was not trying to pick a fight, he was really hurt and offended because he felt we drew him in with some nice conversations only to attack his faith (his comments made me stop and think). I did some research, and went back with the Reasoning book. I concluded my explanation with the sentence at the top of page 90: "Thus the weight of the evidence indicates that Jesus died on an upright stake and not on the traditional cross." He sat there, and said. "You hand picked the evidence you wanted." At the same time, I realized that sentence is somewhat wishy washy. "Weight of the (hand picked) evidence".... "indicates".... which is really saying "we guess so, but we could change our minds". I was annoyed the Reasoning book had left me high and dry, and wondered how JWs got from "probably" to "ABSOLUTELY" in their position regarding the cross.
Watchtower Comments - MISSIONARY INTERVIEW
by V inwatchtower comments interviews lance (awakened at gilead) gilead graduate (2003) and former missionary.. see all videos and subscribe to watchtower comments here.. part 1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=enkkm_aa_j4.
Excellent! Very well done. So many have studied hard, with sincerity and innocence, wanting to really understand "the truth", only to gradually realize it isn't what they thought it was. That can be a huge disappointment (it was to me). Nice to see someone deal with it head on, and then move on.
Few Jehovah's Witnesses bother to GRASP THEIR OWN THEOLOGY!!!
by Terry inkeep this one fact in mind about jehovah's witnesses.
they exist in three parts throughout their history.. 1. honest bible students attracted to the gimmicks of russell (charts, graphs, chronologies, pyramid inches, etc.
) expected the end of the world to come and they wanted to know more.. 2.contrarian hard heads under rutherford wanted to prove everybody was wrong about everything except themselves.
The fire's gone out, it ain't like it used to be. There used to be more conviction, more sure fire confidence. There are a few who can give you a run for the money. But the passing of 1975, and the 1994 generation change, really took the wind out of their sails. 6,000 years and the thousand year reign and the 7th creative day... it fit together perfectly like a jigsaw puzzle. When that didn't work out, 1914 (607 +2520 days/years) + 70-80 years until the end (Ps 90:10), was so easy to prove, or so it seemed to a JW. I'm skipping details here but you guys know what I'm talking about. Now, nothing is so crisp and absolute. Not even sure what a "generation" is (keep changing the meaning).