I agree with you. I am a follower of the teachings of Christ not Paul. Paul himself warned people not to become followers of him or anyone else. A Christian "belongs" to Christ and to follow anyone else means we "belong" to them also, in effect having two masters.
I believe Paul wrote what was good and right for his time, just as Moses wrote what was good and necessary for the people of Israel.
Jesus allowed women to ask him questions directly never did he command that they remain silent. The conversations Jesus had with Martha at the death of her brother and with the Samaritan woman at the well are among the most studied and wondered statements of his. Women traveled with him, aided him, loved him, stood by him. And in the end it was to a woman that Jesus gave the command to bring the greatest good news of all time, the greatest teaching of all time and the greatest blessing of all time: the good news of his resurrection to his male disciples and in turn to the world.
No wonder they loved him!
Paul though did not have the authority of Jesus and so could only act within the system he lived. Paul had enough problems with the Jewish conservative element of his time, to introduce women's liberation would have been impossible and a huge hinderance to his work. So first things first, he declared the good news to the nations. His letters are beautiful, instructive and even at times spirit directed but were not written in stone. Just as the Law of Moses was not written in stone, so also Paul's words were not written in stone. They both served a purpose for the time and people they were written for but not for all peoples and all times.
Only the Ten Commandments and the recorded teachings of Jesus are timeless and good for all peoples, if they want to hear them.
Well, that's my belief. Are we possibly somewhat on the same page?