The Watchtower tries to slander and abuse anyone not on their side. Anyone that disagrees with them, "runs ahead of Jehovah". We are called "apostates" because we dare prove why the Society is wrong. They print articles against us. They have their elders and Circuit Overseers talk against us......So how do we defend ourselves? What can WE do to fight back?
Are We Powerless To Beat The Watchtower At Its Own Game?
by minimus 32 Replies latest jw friends
I fight back by living well, not allowing them any power over my life and not accepting their "labels". They do not accept the label of a cult, and I'm not an "apostate"
It's funny that they've recently compared apostates to kidnappers when they are the ones that hold people hostage.
Considering the fact that they are experiencing almost no growth yet every year are spending billions of hours going door-to-door... I'd say we are doing a fantastic job!
Been said before BUT as apostates or whatever we are not "organised" have no single agenda issue to tackle WT over
What will beat the WT is rather like Gulliver - a giant toppled and tied up by thousands of little people sticking pins in him and tying him up - WT has a lot to lose from the individual and unconcerted efforts/comments/lifestyles of all of us escapees. No single issue, no mass attack, just continual, grinding irritation which will eventually have some major impact.
The Ex's will beat the Tower by NOT playing its game. The Tower tries to exercise control over its followers by limiting the flow of information. The Ex's do the opposite by providing huge resources of information on what the Tower really teaches.
The ground rules have changed, too. The hostage taking system that used to work so well doesn't, simply because the numbers aren't in their favour anymore. With more Ex's than "Currents", like as not that there'll be family and friends on the outside to help out a Dub who's been "thrown to the wolves" by the "loving shepherds".
The present Watchtower leadership all grew up while the Tower was still growing, and they understood that the rules they grew up with were what made the Tower grow. But society's rules have changed, and the intransigent old men in Bethel won't. "My daddy did it this way, and his daddy before him". The rules that worked in a previous generation, such as the door to door work, disfellowshipping and shunning, the crazy and harmful doctrines that differentiate Dubs from "Christendom", like the blood doctrine and the two witness rule in child sexual abuse cases; none of these work anymore. But the old men have the means and the ends confused. They got so used to the rules as a means to the end, that they became the end in themselves.
If the Tower doesn't take some serious introspective looks with a view to radical change soon, they won't be around much longer. And that will be because they couldn't beat the Ex's at THEIR game, under the new rules.
What can WE do to fight back?
I'd say were doing it this very minute.
Sites as this ones and similar ones are doing a great deal. Silentlambs is also doing a fine job.
Their biggest enemy, is the Watchtower Society itself. It is eating itself alive as we speak! Too many years of bullshit, has finally caught up with them in our enlightened society.
Great sentiment, Tash. I kinda agree with you. But wish I could be a bit more activist. Most of my bitterness springs from the fact that I still have a daughter trapped. I see what it's doing to her young life. To put it more correctly, I see what she's allowing it to do to her, but as we all know when you're on the inside looking out, you can't see how destructive it is.
Revenge they say is sweet. But maybe it's a destructive emotion also. I'm trying to balance my utter and complete freedom from their mind control thing.... with the wish (want, need?) to fight them at every turn! Not to change them, (as if it were possible) but to stymie their efforts in continuing to spread their lies to their membership. When I think about all those squandered lives, it just saddens me. And then when I personalize it (my daughter again) it makes my blood begin to boil, and there you go, you're giving them all that power over you all over again. So, I don't know, what do other's do to keep from having this dilemna?
I do what I was taught by "MOTHER" (the WT)Advertise,advertise, advertise,So I use the only weapon I was born with my MOUTH!!!! I talk at all the churches & tell everyone the LOVE I have for those false prophets. ( well! Jesus said to love my enemies) I also let every one know the WT kicked me out because I dont believe Jesus came invisably in 1914- But I also broadcast the fact that after saying horrible things about me to all & sundry they came to me 13 years after my ousting ,to ask if I would like to be reinstated.. What do you think folks ????They cahnged their minds about 1914- or they want to shut me up?????I would like your answers ....
And then when I personalize it (my daughter again) it makes my blood begin to boil, and there you go, you're giving them all that power over you all over again. So, I don't know, what do other's do to keep from having this dilemna?
Onintwo - thanks. My sis and I were talking this morning (she's out also) about how lucky we are to have each other and be FREE from the JW's. How happy we are, and we wouldn't trade it for anything!!! I appreciate my freedom. We have family "in". Pioneer siblings that won't talk to us (over a year), parents that do keep some contact in "secret". I feel for you with your daughter. My approach has been to keep the door open. I write to my siblings every few months and let them know how I am, what I'm doing, how happy I am. I let my parents know I'm an adult and they don't have to agree with my decisions. I'm hoping they'll one day "wake up", but they may never. Its their choice.
Your daughter right now is making her choice. Emotionally its tough, and there is no easy answer to keep from the dilemna or from getting upset by it. Having an emotional response is not giving the WTBTS "power". You have a right to feel any way you want without apologizes or feeling they've "won". Your daughter will see your life... hopefully your happiness and love. That in itself defeats the Watchtower because once you reject "the truth", your life is suppose to fall apart and you're suppose to be an emotional mess.
I don't know you or your daughter from adam - but relating to my own experiences, let her go. Let her make her mistakes. Just love her and trust that it will all work out in the end.