Sabrina, I did answer the question Norm. But unlike you I will not question your reading skills or instruct you to go and read my answer again. If you think I didn't answer, fine, it's not that important to me Norm. Then you said: "totally disagree with the perspective you present here. The reason being that it takes no account of the actual message that the biblical Jesus presented. If he had said go out and preach a doctrine of intolerance, then you might have a point, but I'm sorry - I just dont read it that way. Sorry Norm, you are confusing me with another poster. I did not write what you quoted above. But again I will neither question your reading skills nor accuse you of lying. You simply make a mistake just like we all do. If your future life is dependent upon if you accept the gospel. Say if you refuse to accept it what would happen to you then, Sabrina? Would Jesus say, "aw that's allright, your religion is as good as mine"? Or will it be something like this?Your comments above are in reference to another poster's comment. I leave it to you to find him and deliver your questions to him directly. I must say that I have rarely seen a better example of selctive Bible reading,Yes, I even selectively chose not to read your entire post. several of you seem to be extremely picky about which Bible texts to "believe in" and which to ignore. Norm, think what you like. But it is rather strange for a man who does not believe anything in the Bible to accuse others of only believing parts of it. You have no idea what I believe Norm. I attempted to answer your questions to the best of my ability. If that was not good enough Norm, I don't care. I don't care Norm because your aim is to destroy not to build or to understand one another. Under those circumstances there is no reason to discuss anything or to care. Creating one's own version of a religion based on some selected Bible texts is understandable. I have not created a version of any religion Norm. You keep going on and on about what Norm? That we disagree. True. That I believe something which you do not believe. True. That you insist on being proven right or at the very least proving Christians wrong? True. Let me help you with that, Norm......You Are Right About Everything Norm! The Bible is trash and Christians are morons. I understand fully well all that you don't want to deal with the bigotted nasty, arrogant parts of scripture. But they are there. When it comes to you Sabrina, you seem to have a particular talent for avoiding them. No, Norm. You see, to remain a Christian after leaving the Witnesses I had to confront the same demons that all exJWs must confront including disbelief in the Bible and other spiritual questions. I have faced all the problems and all the scriptures and all the hurts Norm. You are an accusatory person. And worse you wantonly throw about false accusations like the one quoted above. It kills you not be right Norm. So let me not be the one to add to your pain. Again I will say: You Are Right Norm. The Bible is trash and Christians are morons. Oh, and your reading skills are unparalled!! Addendum: Norm, you said this to LT: Do the Bible claim that Christendom is the only true religion or not? Why is that so hard to answer?In my post, the one you declared did not answer your questions properly, I said this with regard to that same question: "As for Jesus claiming to point the way, the only way; yes, of course he did."I guess you did not understand what I wrote. If I though were to reply to you in the same arrogant manner you have replied to me on this thread I would then say this to you: "Norm, I'm going to try and explain this to you as plainly as I possibly can. You see, when I said that Jesus claimed to point to the way, the only way; that meant Norm that Jesus was claiming to worship God in the only true way. This in turn means the NT also makes that claim. And, Norm, just so that you completely understand where I am coming from. The fact that I claim to be Christian means that others may also safely assume that I myself feel that Jesus was the Messiah and thus eventually will in the future be the Savior of the world. Not Budha, not Mohammed, not anyone else only Jesus. Those others may have been fine sincere people but if I thought they had the right way, the only way, then I would be a Budhist or a Muslim. Do you understand now Norm? "Now, Norm, you may complain to me and say: 'but you didn't use the word religion, I asked about religion not ways, why didn't you use the word religion? ' "Well, Norm, because. Because I was trying to make it as simple and plain as I could. Look up the meaning of the word religion Norm and read what Jesus said about the way and write a well thought out post with what you find. Okay?" But, I myself, would not have written that kind of reply. Sabrina | |