Topics Started by Budda
My Jw friend in hiding?
by Budda ini was just wondering abou tmy jw friend it seems like i only see her were she works.
i live in a small town and it just seems like everyone knows each other and i never see her outside of where she works.
my friend brought her up again and ive just completely forgot about her until recently.
two personalities
by Budda inmy friend who is a jw seems to have two personalities.
one completely ignores me and the other is able to talk to me she seems like two different people.
has anyone experienced this before?.
embalming and baptism?
by Budda ini was never a jw, i was wondering if jw embalm people when they die.
muslims and i think orodox jews do not embalm.
if someone was injured or murdered they even put the bloody clothes with the body when they bury it.
Help with a friend
by Budda ini want to tell you about my friend who is a jw.
my first impression of her was a gorgeous, nice, and intelligent woman.
after a few weeks i could tell we were both attracted to each other and even one of my friends was hinting we should get together.
Help with Jw friend
by Budda ini want to tell you about my friend who is a jw.
my first impression of her was a gorgeous, nice, and intelligent woman.
after a few weeks i could tell we were both attracted to each other and even one of my friends was hinting we should get together.