This works great on my motorcycle, especially on long distance. Its a cramp buster so you hand doesn't get numb
holding on to the throttle. I Love it! It just slips over the handle and you rest the palm of your hand on it...
do ever see something on tv buy it and it`s crap?...
this isn`t a thread about!
!..this is a thead about stuff that actually works... i was in the fitness industry for years..i saw gimmicks come and go..i tried everything... it was at my finger tips,so why not?...
This works great on my motorcycle, especially on long distance. Its a cramp buster so you hand doesn't get numb
holding on to the throttle. I Love it! It just slips over the handle and you rest the palm of your hand on it...
human misery: the default setting in the universe.. .
we think "everything is okay" is the norm and it isn't.
not by a long shot.. .
You should consider the cold hard facts everyday you crawl out of bed, but that does not mean you have to
dwell on negitivity. Its dwelling on all the crap makes a person down. Focus on the positive and things just go
I would strongly suggest Champix.....for 10 weeks....
i was always curious lol.. .
well, i remeber i had to, wel lhonestly, i didn't listen to music too much when i was younger, just on the radio, and i had no choice ( i didn't have a computer then and i was about 11 at that time) so we got a computwer when i was about 13 (i am currently make myself sound old lol.
) and i remeber i was listemning to 3 6 mafia (a huge mistake) and my mom liked the instrumental.beat of the song, but i was playing it soo loud, she even heard the lyrics, and she told me to switch it to another i did..i switched to cascada's everytime we touch..o_o.. .
I threw out lots of evil and downloaded it all again later.....
the internet is full of confliction on the subject.
anyone have firsthand knowledge?.
That was such a terrible thing that guy killing his daughters....
look at her in all her glory.. .
lets say you are enjoying a glass of good red wine while preparing dinner.
you pick up your glass for a sip and see a gnat floating on top.
1. pour the whole thing in the sink and pour a fresh one.. 2. pick out the gnat and drink the wine.. 3. ignore it and drink the wine and the gnat.. i am a 2. i have done a 3 and it didn't spoil my appetite.. .
Never waste a good glass of wine, besides it'll kill the
lets say you are enjoying a glass of good red wine while preparing dinner.
you pick up your glass for a sip and see a gnat floating on top.
1. pour the whole thing in the sink and pour a fresh one.. 2. pick out the gnat and drink the wine.. 3. ignore it and drink the wine and the gnat.. i am a 2. i have done a 3 and it didn't spoil my appetite.. .
Now tell me there is a worm at the bottom and out it
lately i've been making a lot of negative comments about the wts at family gatherings, trying to plant seeds of doubt whenever i can.
but my wife thinks i'm going overboard and starting to raise suspicion.
we had a huge argument last night because i told her i'd rather not go to the gatherings at all than to stay quiet.
I think you need to do it slowly, my hubby does the same thing. Eventually they will not discuss anything...
Slow and Easy wins the race...
i think that this explains it best !!.
one of the critical and most debatable assumptions we have maintained thus far in our arguments is the assumption of successive generations.
in other words, we have assumed that, every period, a new generation arises and the old one dies off.
Its crazy the back and forth with the generation thing, they will grasp at anything to keep 1914...
This is such an excellent chart to keep on hand.....