hehe, you're welcome. I had wondered if you were being a wise-acre, lol.
JoinedPosts by abbagail
Sincere question for Christians
by sir82 inhere's something i've never been clear on, being raised as a jw: what is the standard, "orthodox christian" if you will, teaching with regard to where the soul goes after death for each of the following 3 scenarios:.
1) a 3 month old baby, born to believing, saved christian parents, dies;.
2) a 3 month old baby, born to non-christian parents, dies;.
Sincere question for Christians
by sir82 inhere's something i've never been clear on, being raised as a jw: what is the standard, "orthodox christian" if you will, teaching with regard to where the soul goes after death for each of the following 3 scenarios:.
1) a 3 month old baby, born to believing, saved christian parents, dies;.
2) a 3 month old baby, born to non-christian parents, dies;.
"How does God call people in rural China who cannot read?"
Holy Spirit, silly goose!
Sincere question for Christians
by sir82 inhere's something i've never been clear on, being raised as a jw: what is the standard, "orthodox christian" if you will, teaching with regard to where the soul goes after death for each of the following 3 scenarios:.
1) a 3 month old baby, born to believing, saved christian parents, dies;.
2) a 3 month old baby, born to non-christian parents, dies;.
LeavingWT also said: "We can draw some conclusions, here: God is not big on "drawing" the Chinese. Nor is he particularly interested in "drawing" people from Muslim lands or Southeast Asia."
Oh my goodness! Where do you get your information? Do you guys live with your heads in the sand? Get plugged in to what is happening in the Christian environment around the world! Hordes of people are being saved in all the areas you mention. Huge crusades are being held all over the earth, and in countries like India millions come at a time, for days at a time. In Muslim lands and in China, families and groups of families and entire little villages are getting satellite dishes like wildfire, and they are being reached via Christian TV. You should hear the testimonies! They are so humbling, so loving, so beautiful, SOOOOO Thankful!
And speaking of people in outer Mongolia, a few months ago I heard a heart-wrenching testimony of the two "independent" missionary guys from "Travel the Road" http://traveltheroad.wordpress.com/ , and http://www.traveltheroad.com/index.html . They are two young guys who decided several years ago they were going to just go traveling all over the earth, to the most far out bizarre places, to preach the Gospel. Anyway, a few months ago on the show they had ridden on horseback with a guide for llke 10-12 hours to reach this one "tent family" out in the frozen tundra of Mongolia. It was getting dark by the time they arrived and nobody was around, so they bunked down inside the family's tent anyway, hoping nobody would get upset whenever the family came back home, lol. (They have their camera with them on their journeys so they are taping and talking as things occur).
Later that night the father and the cutest little boy/son came home and were thrilled to have the company. Evidently it had been like two years since other missionaries had gone through that area and they had left a children's Bible story book which the little boy had been reading during that time. Then very early that very morning the father took his little son for a journey to the nearby hills in order for them to spend the day meditating and praying to "their" god. But on the way the little boy said to the father, "I'll go with you but I'm not praying to anybody but Jesus." The father replied, "OK, fine, and if your God ever shows up, then I will pray to Him, too." So this was why the father was ecstatically dumbfounded when they got back to their tent that night and "God showed up" in the form of the two missionary guys, is how the father was telling the story through the guide/interpreter. He not only "showed up" but showed up on the very self-same day that the boy witnessed to his father, and the father made his bold statement. Priceless Timing! which only God holds in His hands.
And that little kid was so cute. Loved that kid!
BTW, in Muslim lands where some had never had any contact with the Gospel, Jesus is appearing to them individually in their dreams, and many are being saved that way. (hey, I would never have believed it in my JW days either, but if God wants to appear in a dream to people who have no other access, I'm all for it if it gets them saved).
And if there's no Christian TV in your area, see about Sky Angel IPTV, approx. 20 Christian networks and 30 Christian radio stations for a very low price per month, like $15. Get tuned in and see what is happening around the world. It's nothing like you described. God is very alive and well and "calling people in." It's an awesome thing to be a part of. Wouldn't trade it for anything.
Sincere question for Christians
by sir82 inhere's something i've never been clear on, being raised as a jw: what is the standard, "orthodox christian" if you will, teaching with regard to where the soul goes after death for each of the following 3 scenarios:.
1) a 3 month old baby, born to believing, saved christian parents, dies;.
2) a 3 month old baby, born to non-christian parents, dies;.
LeavingWT said: "Everlasting life is a free gift and cannot be earned, right? But, God only draws certain ones." (referring toJohn 6:43-44)... God gives everybody a measure of faith (Rom. 12:3), so it's up to us whether we act on it when we "hear" God calling us...
Not to mention that His qualities are clearly evident and most people ignore those as well...
18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, 19 because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown [it] to them. 20 For since the creation of the world His invisible [attributes] are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, [even] His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, 21 because, although they knew God, they did not glorify [Him] as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. - Romans 1:18-21
I think God calls everybody... numerous times throughout their lives... a nudge here, a nudge there, a tap on the head here, and a kick in the butt there (trying to get people to wake up), but most people ignore it, suppress it, dismiss it, reject it, etc., as the above verses describe.
For instance, when you were a kid and your Mom called to you down the street to come home for "supper," did you always immediately come, or did you blow her off and hang around w/your buddies a little longer, playing ball?
So, ok, God calls first. Waits for response.
God calls again... waits for response...
God calls again... waits for response...
OK, my point is, God is calling, but is a person going to "run to Jesus" on their own if they're ignoring the call of God on their life? In other words, God is calling but the person is not always ready nor listening, but when they finally are, He'll send them to Jesus, as John 6:43-44 says. That's how I see it, anyhooo. HTH.
Sincere question for Christians
by sir82 inhere's something i've never been clear on, being raised as a jw: what is the standard, "orthodox christian" if you will, teaching with regard to where the soul goes after death for each of the following 3 scenarios:.
1) a 3 month old baby, born to believing, saved christian parents, dies;.
2) a 3 month old baby, born to non-christian parents, dies;.
I'm with Caliber that no need to fret... Not every little detail about every little thing in life is covered in scripture, but when you know the "basic Spirit" of God and His personality, you can be assured He will do the right thing re: EVERYBODY, from babies who died too young to isolated individuals in outer Mongolia. In other words, for myself, I do trust Him to "take care of it" so I don't have to worry about it (which is the opposite of WT-Land where they made us feel like we "had" to have an instant answer for EVERYTHING.).
Here's an article that may help: http://www.middletownbiblechurch.org/salvatio/infantsa.htm
What We Can Learn From the Bible Concerning INFANT SALVATION -
Deconstructing Apostasy - New Video
by Moxie inmy apologies for not posting this here sooner, but i've been swamped with a very big project... one that i will share with you in the not too distant future.. this is my most recent youtube video and addresses a subject i've identified as extremely important to many of us ex witnesses.. it's called deconstructing apostasy, and basically it examines apostasy according to watchtower... my hope is that the message will start to break down the barriers of what an apostate is and how the watchtower uses that term to effectively subjugate its members by silencing any conscientious questioners.. hopefully you'll be able to see it below, otherwise here's the link (it's best viewed on youtube in high definition) - deconstructing apostasy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3j5hkv2cnw.
Excellent! Very well done. Let's hope it gets viewed far and wide!
Great voice, too, clear, crisp, must be all the "public reading" practice from the WT years, lol (j.k).
Funny graphics, just the right touch, with the black/white contrasts.
And I loved the music, beautiful!
I've got stereo earplugs so was able to hear everything perfectly.
I was thinking a WT District Convention Name Badge with APOSTATE written in the Name section would be a hoot.
Of course the red/white badge is a closer match to the "Devil's colors."
BIG NEWS! Leader of German Watchtower History Archives Resignes and Leaves Branch Office!
by GermanXJW injohannes wrobel, the founder of the watchtower history archives in germany, responsible for the stand firm-video and the stand-firm-exhibitions resigned in november 2008 and left the german branch office.
he was also the responsible person for many of the wt sponsored websites on jw in the 'third reich'!.
there are no further details known yet but this could be big news!.
"I think he was advanced in his years and it was his time to retire."
From where I sit, the person on the left is not old/advanced in years, but looks rather middle-aged and dapper, dark haired, etc. He's the one, right?
The elderly gentlemen to the right is not the one who just left WT's "employ."
Either way, very interesting info. Let's hope he's out out out, or on his way out. Like Barb said, the indepth writers could use some assistance.
Thanks GermanxJW for the info...
In need of some help with quote gathering
by Eyes Open init's a long story, but i've spent days and days solid writing and quoting for a very important letter, and i could do with some help from anyone who knows their way around wt stuff as i'm out of time.. i need to quote, preferably without any extra comment, wt stuff that shows circular "new light" or flip-flopping.
other central doctrine?.
Wow, carl and Clam, great job! Mind boggling to see them all listed one after another... I hope EyesOpen makes it back over here to feast upon these fantastic morsels! (Update, I see they came back while I was putting this together).
As far as: "Also need to respond to 'only JW's glorify Jehovah's name'...."
...the only thing any JW needs to do is turn on Christian TV and they will hear hymns and sermons that often mention "Jehovah"... That was one of the "big surprises" for me when I began watching Christian TV... it was like, "Well, I'll be... Lookie there... and the WT wanted us to think nobody else on the planet uses the name Jehovah!"
Just a few samples below of Christian hymns that sing to "Jehovah"... (I'm dying to embed a few of these music videos, but as I stated elsewhere, the URL icon is greyed out so I cannot make use of it - ??? )... (Update, I'm trying again...)
Jehovah Jireh My Provider - fantastic! - love that violin intro!
(Update -- OOOPS!!! Now there are FOUR of the SAME video! Yet I only see ONE LINK here, so how did that happen? Even moreso, how do I make the extra copies go away???) >> Don't mind me, I see the extras are gone now. If someone fixed it, thank you!!
Jazz Piano version of the above same song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AW3voLxf8LA
Stayed Upon Jehovah - Wonderful Peace
The Lord Jehovah Reigns - Watts
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5s79_buKi 24
Guide Me Oh Thou Great Jehovah
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oei9Hcp5W9U - young people's choir - nice!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j5m48vG2q2E - all male choir
Halleluhia Praise Jehovah - Acapella - Church of Christ
Now Unto Jehovah
Jehovah is My Shepherd - Ps. 23- in Chinese no less... (meaning, it's International that Others than JWs use Jehovah's name)
Jehovah Sitteth as KING- another one in Chinese...
Sing Praises to Jehovah! (Praise Jehovah!)- and another on Chinese... nice guitar...
Jehovah Tsidkenu (The Lord our Righteousness) - beautiful piano instrumental...
My Shepherd Will Supply My Need, Jehovah Is His Name - Trinity Episcopal Church Choir - Fredonia, NY
And we cannot leave out...
Hallelujah Chorus from Handel's Messiah- it's so gorgeous, have to throw in a few choices!
And wow, this next one is very cool... with a Jewish flavor in a total baritone voice...
His name is Yahweh - sung by Joseph Shore
"Holy Land Experience" in Orlando, FL, has outdone WT with it's "dramas"...
Ancient Festivals: Sing Hallelujah
Another rendition of the above same song, beautiful...
Sing Hallelujah To The Lord
And another... - awesome, don't miss this rendition... beautiful Jewish flavor...
Sing Hallelujah - Paul Wilbur
O Jah, Let God Arise- Paul Wilbur
And at youtube there were many other songs with Yahweh, but this is enough to "make the point"...
Lastly, here is a website, hymnlyrics.org, chock full of CHRISTIAN HYMN LYRICS, and I did a search at the site specifically for "JEHOVAH" and there are 18 pages of results of hymns that sing about Jehovah:
Some hard to take news...
by thebiggestlie inmy girlfriend was having a rough time.
she's been vomitting every morning.
her tummy has been aching and she's been feeling off.
That is so sad about the miscarriage, but your expressions of love and loyalty are beautiful! She is blessed to have you!
Surviving the Economic Depression
by metatron infirst, let's clear something up: for many people, it's no longer a question of recession - the depression is here and may last for many years!.
this could be true if you live in many parts of europe, or africa or ...... michigan!
let the 'experts' quibble over definitions, to me jobless rates of 15 to 20 % with little hope of change signals a depression where you live.. some suggestions:.
Stock up on baking soda with a pinch of peroxide (both very cheap) for brushing your teeth! Works better than foaming, toxic, flouride-ridden commercial toothpastes. (And don't forget the Chinese imported toxic toothpastes...)
And LOL about wear your shoes every other day. Ha. Move South and wear flip-flops year round, lol. They are dirt cheap. In the "old days" you could get a pair for like 23-cents from Pic 'N Save (a long-standing Florida dimestore/drugstore who went out of biz when Big Bad Walmart came to power)...