any jw with a brain cell in their head surely know there are billions of folks on this planet that have never heard of the WT and their stewardship in preaching the kingdumb of god, or will never likely hear it, I would of thought it is even more important to be preaching globally!
JoinedPosts by jookbeard
No Need To Preach In Every Country Anymore
by pale.emperor inspeaking to a pimo from my hometown yesterday.
he told me that in the watchtower study (10 nov 2019) regarding “the great tribulation” the elder on the platform said that there’s no need for jws to preach in every country in order to fulfil the prophecy, and therefore the org has already fulfilled that prophecy.
and that there’s nothing else left to wait for now but for “the great tribulation” to come.. gasps of delight came from the audience.. has anyone else heard this?
5 kingdom halls in New Addington for sale
by usualusername1 ini had it confirmed today that 5 kingdom halls on one site in new addington are for sale.
price being asked £3.5 million.. every witness in london worked on that site.
am in shock.
what is the current status on this complex, have all the congregations been displaced now?
Mark Stephen Lett Raps about Murmuring and Other Urgent Jehovah's Witness Issues
by BottleGate_ in
The WTS's own Forest Gump
5 kingdom halls in New Addington for sale
by usualusername1 ini had it confirmed today that 5 kingdom halls on one site in new addington are for sale.
price being asked £3.5 million.. every witness in london worked on that site.
am in shock.
that petition he has put up is a bit late isnt it? not that I would have signed it anyway, what a demise and that complex was always being spoken about.
Did you EVER falsify your report card ?
by Chook inevery single watchtower soldier lied to god out of fear of the brooklyn popes..
worked for the local authority Blondie, I worked there for a couple of years also in the early 1990's it was a relaxed working environment, but as we know they use creative ways to pad out their hours plus they were very early starts in the mornings, like the way some used to do 24 hour gas station witnessing starting out an some ridiculously early time in the morning and still counting their until that evening if they take a bible study to a meeting etc
Did you EVER falsify your report card ?
by Chook inevery single watchtower soldier lied to god out of fear of the brooklyn popes..
I remember a guy in my cong who became a regular pioneer while still holding a full time job and never seen out on FS ever in the week, had a couple of bible studies but used to stroll through the hours each month when it was 90, he claimed that he could sometimes count 18 hours per day just witnessing to work colleagues! personally I may have added a couple of hours extra per month I couldn't wait to become inactive.
Babylon The Great / World Empire of False Religion, do JW`s even preach that anymore ?
by smiddy3 inwhen was that first preached , with the book babylon the great has fallen gods kingdom rules ,the 1970`s ?
where they claimed that false religion had a fall in 1919 and that it was continuing to that day .
however today we see not babylon the great that is falling ,but the jehovah`s witnesses religion that are on the decline ,selling off branches , kingdom halls in one place after another throughout the earth .. and only a couple of years ago they were predicting they would be needing thousands of kingdom halls to be built for the expected influx of new worshippers ?
I've always wondered that, another doctrine embedded in lunacy
by lastmanstanding inthe current “news” on jw.borg.
look closely at he picture of “russian” police breaking in to what appears to be a utility shed.. first, you’d have to be a complete moron to believe anything you see.. the “police” are shown using a garden pic to open a door.
their entire belief system of over a hundred years has been based on lies and fake news
Secondary fulfilment to prophecy?
by Doug Mason inin its use of the prophecy contained in nebuchadnezzar's dream (daniel 4), the wts applies a "greater fulfilment" beyond its initial application.. while they complain about the wts's action, at the same time these people make their own secondary applications to prophecies, such as with micah 5:2. these people also find "greater" meaning to historical statements, such as at isaiah 9:6 and at isaiah 53.. such passages had their local meaning yet people are prepared to find their "greater application" which suits their ends, just as the wts does.
it is not an excuse to say that the nt writers indulged themselves in the practice.. i am not saying that i agree with the practice; i am simply seeking consistency and integrity.. doug.
there is no original or secondary fulfilment of any biblical prophecy, there are no prophecy's
Walked away from bible study after 8 months
by Biblestudent1 ini have been working through the grey book with a married couple for several months.
actually after a while what happened was a different brother or sister got invited each week to my study.
i met lots and lots.
well done you must have felt almost immediately what an insult to your intelligence it all was