JoinedTopics Started by jookbeard
more possible KH closures/sell off London area
by jookbeard inabout the mid 1980's they purchased a large plot of land in an area called addington a suburb of south london to build a kh complex comprising of 3 kh's with the options to add further congs to each kh, basically each kh could house 3 congs so the complex could possibly house 9 congs, it was a huge vanity project for the uk branch, you'd hear stories of how these congs are bursting at the seams etc, i think at one stage one of the congs had over 200 publishers, it was a huge construction project even bigger than the ca hall they were building a few miles south.
fast forward to last night and i got chatting to a couple of jw's in my local pub, i knew one of the guys as i used to sometimes see him in the town, he's a nice pleasant guy and i didn't get into any doctrinal discussions just chatted generally about how life is as a jw these days and the changes going on world wide etc, i touched on the vast kh and branch sell offs going on and he mentions that the addington site is to be sold!
i was astounded, nothing confirmed yet and but the land is prime real estate for housing development, the uk branch must have been offered a deal they cant refuse..
elder from my former cong
by jookbeard ini left the wts in the early 1990's and i was baptised at the same assembly as this elder and his wife in the late 1980's they were probably in their early 50's back then, you know the kind; get called on, become a study and take to life as a jw like a duck takes to water, a dream call for all jw's and we went onto to be good friends with them over the years, the book study was held in their house also, he quietly progressed up the jw ladder became an ms then elder, a few months after i started my fade i saw him one day while i waited for a bus and he acknowledged me i said hi etc and he started a verbal tirade towards me about me knowing its the truth, how close we are living to the end, how stupid i was turning my back on it etc blah blah blah, i couldn't really get a word in edge ways, i bid him good day and that was that, he really was quite angry, i never saw him again until recently over 25 years later when him and his wife and their son were having a meal in my local pub, he was standing at the bar ordering, i saw him acknowledged him said hi and he looked straight through me, he said "do i know you ?
" i replied " hey eddie its jookbeard from the ********** congregation, surely you remember me?
" he said sorry i've never seen you before in my life, his wife came over to help him with his drinks and i said "hey pat, how are you?
my 25 year anniversary of life after the WTS
by jookbeard inits been a hell of a journey and not one i regret, i've had my testimony featured in free minds, married divorced, married again had 2 children, survived a very serious illness and come out just about unscathed.
it all started sometime in the early 1990's around the time of the waco siege, i just couldn't accept these crazy doctrines anymore of the belief system i was born into, the death and destruction of billions, the big a, the restoring of the earth to a paradise and the even bigger lie of a resurrection of billions, come early 1993 i had decided to fade, i attended the memorial of that year and decided never ever to return and i never did, come 1994 i had really hit rock bottom, divorced the following year, moved away,started a new career, a new life, the rest they say is history, anyone reading this and having similar thoughts, go for it!
you wont regret it..
the life saving message
by jookbeard inthe life saving message of death and gloom brought to a town centre near to you!.
CO Rose UK
by jookbeard indoes anyone know this guy, where he came from?
how he climbed the jw ladder, i have to say i know nothing about him but he seems to be kicking ass with the problems in the north of england..
accosted to day down the high steet
by jookbeard inwas merrily walking down my local high street this morning when a lady approached me and than told me not to worry i'm not a jw, i said dont worry i used to be one and she was astounded and we went into a full blown doctrinal biblical discussion , she was representing her local baptist church, i really shot her away with my knowledge and she agreed she's never met someone like me before , she said that i would still need to repent and and accept jc as my personal saviour etc blah blah and that the devil was pleased that i'd accepted a path of atheism , i said you think the devil is directing people to atheism, i said you dont think the devil would be wanting people to be joining devil worshipping groups, occult groups, wiccan/pagan and witch covern groups?
i asked her to direct me to see a physical image of the devil and demons and to direct to to where they reside etc, i asked don't you think demons can manifest themselves in the form of humans?
she agreed, i then said where are they?
Elaine from the bunker video
by jookbeard indoes anyone know anything about the luscious elaine?
is she a professional actress or just a member of the r&f recruited to be a member of the cast of this video?
the pout,olive skin stunning looks make my heart miss a beat every time i see this beauty.
Kevin the WT anti-hero
by jookbeard inmaybe its a bit too early yet to gauge the fall out from the r&f about the sheer lunacy from the rc's "loyalty" videos, any reports so far?
these rc's clearly have pushed the boundaries of sanity even from them and it includes the truly sickening "disfellowshipping" video also.the only real result of these kind of insane video productions is that it will only haemorrhage more of their members didn't they learn from the sparlock the wizard videos?
clearly not, not too worry though kevin made the right decision.
Summer Convention at Twickenham now gone, UK
by jookbeard ini believe this is the first year that the uk wont have a summer dc at this historical old rugby stadium (which is now one of the finest arenas in the uk) the costs to rent it must be astronomical these days, and it appears they are having multiple dates at the excel arena in london plus milton keynes is being used , many memories for me from a baby onwards making the yearly trip there, the dusty old stadium, the long walks to the car parks, working on the field security, getting burnt to a crisp or being poured on, binoculars !
food tickets, meeting at the lion gates checking the talent, and on the final day drinking the local pub dry the barny arms, end of an era!