Yep, there is a devil!
read this then check out the video link at the end!
yep, there is a devil!.
read this then check out the video link at the end!.
Yep, there is a devil!
read this then check out the video link at the end!
please read the blog and watch the video..
here's the intro to my blog:.
if the scriptures in the bible are really true, then at some time we should be able to measure them against tangible events, which are actually occurring in our recent history.
Please read the blog and watch the video.
Here's the intro to my blog:
If the scriptures in the bible are really true, then at some time we should be able to measure them against tangible events, which are actually occurring in our recent history. By keeping on the watch for these events we can make decisions saving our own lives and perhaps many others. The bible does indicate that most people will be surprised by the sudden arrival of Jesus Christ however; it also indicates that a small remainder will have kept on the watch and will understand what is happening during the time of the end -2Th2:13. The words written on these few pages with supporting scriptures will help the discerning reader to:
see the disgusting thing standing in a holy place.
understand what the holy place is.
understand who the man of lawlessness is.
understand who is acting as a restraint and
how he gets to be out of the way.
how the man of lawlessness enters the temple and
how he lifts himself up above a god.
Understand what the apostasy is mentioned by the Apostle Paul.
understand who Babylon the Great really is and why.
what the unclean expressions are and who they really gather together.
who the drunkards are and
what it means to eat and drink with them.
What Satan's unrighteous deception is and how extremely successful it's been.
See the way to real understanding of the bible
What the seven headed wild beast represents.
Understand a sacred secret.
Which head received the death-stroke
Who the 10 kings are.
Why the 10 kings do not yet have a kingdom
How they give their power to the wild beast.
What the name of the wild beast is.
Why it's a man's number.
Where to find the information to calculate the number.
Why the number really is 666.
The combined total of these fulfillments should cement the fact that the end of the world is really about to happen, the conclusion of this system of things. Your faith in God's plan as outlined in the bible will be solidified. If the reader is indeed a righteous person you will likely be surprised at how far reaching Satan's unrighteous deception has been and yet relieved that you have been helped with a little help to see through it.