I am curious: How many of you also experienced this, as I did? Prior to my own experience I had never known of anyone who had "served their time," attended meetings regularly, and in everyway demonstrated a good heart, being turned away. But then, I guess I wouldn't have, would I?
Posts by MMae
Denied re-instatement
by MMae ini am curious: how many of you also experienced this, as i did?
prior to my own experience i had never known of anyone who had "served their time," attended meetings regularly, and in everyway demonstrated a good heart, being turned away.
but then, i guess i wouldn't have, would i?.
Reinstatement to inactivity.
by R.F. ina person is disfellowshipped, works hard to get reinstated and once they finally are, they go straight to inactivity and you almost never see them in the kingdom hall again.
when i was an active jw i couldn't understand why a person would go through the process of reinstatement only to become inactive.
i understand why now .
"At first I thought I had wasted years spent writing long heartfelt reinstatement request letters"
OH MY GOD! Why don't they come out with a handbook about how to get re-instated! Could have saved me all these years of rejection if I only KNEW the steps involved!
Seriously, when the elders told me that it was customary to write a letter expressing my desire to be reinstated, I took them at their word. To my recollection, my letter was little more than a note so as to comply with their instructions. I spoke from my heart at the meeting I had with them. As it was, I moved to a nearby city at the same time of my disfellowshipping. The elders from my new congregagtion seemed very happy that I should be asking to be re-instated after the usual amount of time had passed. They also explained that they would have to consult with elders from the congregation from which I had been disfellowshipped. I wasn't worried about this. Why should I be? This is God's organization. Jehovah could read my heart, and would guide these elders as they prayed together over my soul! I was truly shocked when the elders told me that "WE don't bellieve that you are repentant for your actions." (I have to tell you that the brothers delivering this message looked like they were ashamed to be telling me this.)
NOW I SEE! If I had GROVELED in my letter, then the elders from the first congregation would be sufficiently satisfied that I met the needed requirements to be allowed back in. (i.e. Submissive as a licked puppy.)
Now that that is as clear as mud, I wonder if I would have eventually faded? I am inclined to think not. I'm just that loyal. WOW, maybe JAH did direct those brothers after all.
A Man Without a Face
by momzcrazy inon discovery health channel right now they are showing an episode about a jw with a vascular tumor covering his whole face.
it is vascular, surgery to remove it would obviously require blood.
what will he decide?.
ROFLOL [cultswatter!]
(Not laughing at poor man with this condition)
Can someone answer this question please?
by Anti-Christ ini am trying to figure out to whom the kingdom halls belong.
if they belong to the wts then that would be a nice scam on there part, well another one to add to the list.
"God never wanted what mankind has built in place of a one to one relationship with him"
How Jehovah's Witnesses Control Your Mind - Controlling Your View of Truth
by flipper infor those of you, newbies or perhaps others who haven't read steve hassan's book - " combatting cult mind control" here are some very important things to remember of how jehovah's witnesses and other " mind control" cults operate .
it may help you to understand some things to see how we were all faked out at one time in our lives.
hassan's book states , " in totalistic cults , the ideology is internalized as " the truth ", the only "map" of reality .
I was about 11 when I began studying with JWs. I used to cry all the time during my study because they'd teach me things that didn't make sense to me. What? Only 144,000 are going to heaven? BWAAAA! Of course they'd go on to explain about paradise earth, and I'd dry my tears. My point is that I always questioned. And I always expected a reasonable answer. And of course, as a study, they tolerated and commended me for questioning. The very fact that I could question, and receive a Bible-based answer was the reason that I accepted the religion as the Truth. (Besides I'm trusting and gulible!) But as an adult, with mature reasoning power, I began to find that the answers were not always so Bible-based. And dare I question the reasoning and scriptral evidence, then the answer became that I must be loyal to the WTS, because to question them was to question God. Even though I had been around long enough to know that the WTS clearly was out of sync with God at times, by their own admission - I was to buy what they were selling at that given time - hook, line, and sinker - even if my conscience and every fiber of my being said,"THIS IS NOT RIGHT. IT IS NOT GOD'S WILL! AND UNLESS I'M MISTAKEN, IT IS THE OPPOSITE OF GOD'S WILL!" Of course this kind of "independant thinking" and "rebellious spirit" ended up getting me booted. I humbly accepted my punishment. It took them turning me away when I asked for re-instatement for me to see the house of cards begin to fall. It was very painful. But when I realized that I couldn't go back, I knew that Jehovah was still with me. He never isolated me, nor did he ever turn me away. He's always stayed with me, even when I wasn't paying attention to Him.
UN LIBRARY CARD: What it really means
by tula inwould you like to take a peek inside that infamous library?.
there is a link embedded within this thread that will show you the interior and some amazing things.
it is like no library you have ever seen.
Since when does the WTS explain anything? They are the masters of SPIN! They are becoming more and more secretive, and putting greater emphasis on blind obedience: Trust the FDS or offend/reject Jehovah Himself to your eternal demise!
Anti-Christ is NOT anti-religion
by tula inwe are headed toward a one world religion which is tolerant of any and all deities.. all religions in our modern day society have origins in babylon.
i hope to prove that in the course of this thread.. every religion and secret society operating under the guise of religious affiliation have triune deities.. the wts is no exception.
their triune is jehovah, the fds, and "the christ".. in recent literature, i have noticed that jesus has been demoted to simply a position, by calling him "the christ".
Count me in...err, OUT!
by tula inso that this will be no surprise to you, and so you will not be swayed in your firm stand of holy spirit truth, i give you this.. .
in the coming months expect to hear this in the kh and the mags..... "for those of you who have heard of the association of the wts and the un and have patiently and faithfully waited on jehovah, we can now tell you our reasons for doing this.
it has all been under the direction of the fds.. this library card was necessary because..... there are very old manuscripts that have never been deciphered and they have been housed within that library.. through much prayer and careful consideration, jah directed for our team of translators, which are the best and most accurate in the world, to be a part of this great uncovering of the new scrolls.".
I am very curious about this. It would not suprise me that many churches will be taking this kind of a stand in the near future. I have a very hard time imagining the WTS doing this, since they have preached sepateness to excess. But it does not go unnoticed by me that the powers behind one-world-government and one-world-religion use the same language that WTS does. They both claim the keys to "The New World Order."
UN LIBRARY CARD: What it really means
by tula inwould you like to take a peek inside that infamous library?.
there is a link embedded within this thread that will show you the interior and some amazing things.
it is like no library you have ever seen.
Tula -
As a newbie, thank you for your posting. You are addressing some of the very questions I've been asking myself.
Appalling Mind Control Comment from CO
by betweenworlds ini just came across this comment by someone from a group i belong to .
we just had the visit of our co...his wife made this comment to me:.
"'as i was reading the very powerful articles in the last public issue of the wt with study articles...i couldn't help but imagine that the brothers are waving a goodbye to people!'...
I don't doubt that the Great Tribulation nears. I also don't doubt that the GB is becoming ever more haughty. It is frightening. Who will stay loyal to them? Those that are also haughty in their certainty of their position before God. Isn't it to ones like these that Jesus said, "I never knew you."
And the rest? I worry for them. And I trust Jehovah knows their hearts.