Designs, do you feel there should be any reciprocity in this civilization to which you belong? Should others just take from us because we are givers with no concern for the harm their excessive taking is causing?
i think it's hurting the country..
Back to the original question, I'm coming in late, but I'm with BandOnTheRun, my faith is stronger now that I'm out of that cesspool. For a long time I would have considered myself an atheist but while looking for answers, I stumbled onto Catholicism. Not right for everybody but right for me.
it must of been around 1992. i remember all the chatter among local wirnesses was about how the united nations was setting up there own churches around the world.
it seems like there was even a newspaper article to back this up.
it was obvious that this is how governments would finally turn on religion.
i think it's hurting the country..
this article seems to read as if written by someone who is at least half awake.. your thoughts?.
mass immigration in the world "seems" to have led to a rise in anti -semitism in the west.
france now has more than six million muslims.. germany now has four million muslims.
the netherlands has almost one million muslims .
You're all missing a point about Islam. Usama Bin Laden said he didn't need to attack Europe because the Muslims there don't practice birth control like the Europeans do. He said that in 50 years they would outnumber historical Europeans and those would become Muslim countries. Things will change drastically when that happens.
I don't believe in the Quiverfull movement, but it's about countering Muslim population growth.
If you don't think Muslims taking over a city/state/country is a threat, look at how they have destroyed Dearborn, MI.
Back to the thread topic, I support Isreal and hope the fighting stops soon, especially with Hamas being a terrorist organization that built unknown numbers of tunnels into Israel so they could kidnap Israelis and attack Israel. Hamas is getting what it deserves. I don't think there will be another holocaust.
had a pretty deep conversation with my 'still-in' wife.. came home from some business, read some more in c.of c.. then my wife is sick and will not make the meeting tonight.... .
so we're are both home listening in to the meeting on the phone together.. it's been about a year since i've been to/listened to anything.. .
so weird.. and i'm posting here with it on in the background.. .
a super bat-shit crazy invitation to pioneer in august??
i stumbled upon something the other day, but i have been hesitant to post it.
i am afraid that it could be a local thing and thereby traced back to me.
Back in the day when I auxiliary pioneered, I had to get in 60 hours. It was hard, I was working too. I'm so grateful that I'm no longer in. As a Catholic, our recent push was to give to the annual drive for monies to help the poor. Our archdiocese raised $5.1 million. This goes to soup kitchens, food pantries, assistance getting jobs, assistance getting a GED, stuff like that. It also funds thrift stores. I'd rather give my money to charity than give my money to putting gasoline in my tank so I can sucker somebody into joining a cult.
i think it's hurting the country..
the watchtower study to be considered this sunday, august 3, 2014 (using the magazine dated may 15, 2014), titled are you moving ahead with jehovahs organization?, in paragraph seven (on pages 27-28), talks about the number of people baptized in recent years:.
7 where do those making up the great crowd come from?
they are being brought together because of what jesus foretold as part of the sign of his presence.