George, they are laughing all the way to the Bank, lets hope they pick a Bank that fails.
They are cynical enough to know that the average Dub will swallow what they have written and believe the whole subject is done and dusted, they have spread so much Bull S**T over the matter that no JW is going to unravel it, or even touch it.
They opened the can of worms because so many derisory comments were appearing on line about their claim to be God's Org based on this 607BCE trash, that they needed to counter these.
Now they can say "The Faithful Slave has dealt with this matter, are you saying you know better than them ?"
Any R&F JW will be cowed by the fear of being DF'd in to not looking any further at the question,then the WT can carry on for years hoovering up the $$$.
Thanks to all for your hard work on this, any sincere JW who really wants to know the truth can be referred to this thread, Great Work , thanks.