They have been playing a game of burying 1914 as much as possible,spelling out the old 2520 years doctrine in plain language has not been done for decades, but they have nothing to replace it with !
They believe that getting people to join is best done by a fear of judgement day, and that retaining existing drones is best done by the same fear, remove that fear, and what selling point do they have ?
The only way it will implode is if enough R&F get together and demand reform, their very own Arab Spring, the problem is I do not see that this is possible.
In the regimes that have recently toppled, or are in the process, there are a majority who see all that is wrong with their leaders,and are prepared to die for the sake of Freedom, in the WT the majority do not see anything wrong with the leadership, and only a few allow the doubts that lie deep in their minds to actually trouble them, Cognitive Dissonance and Cowardice rules.