"Things can only get better" for Oompah and all of us.
Thanks again Cedars and helpers, fantastic work.
hi everyone.
as a parting gift to you all before i take a much needed break from this forum, i thought you would be pleased to know that the independent, a leading uk newspaper, will be publishing a piece on the "mentally diseased" watchtower article in tomorrow's edition.. i would like to thank everybody who has assisted the journalist, jerome taylor, in his investigation.. best wishes to all of you,.
"Things can only get better" for Oompah and all of us.
Thanks again Cedars and helpers, fantastic work.
what would the wt do if say, a country or countries enacted a law that made shunnung illegal?.
punishable by time in prison or heavy fines?.
would they have the gall to 'obey god as ruler' rather than man, and actually continue the practice in defiance of the law even though they would incur the wrath of governments?
So let me get this right, the First Amendment will protect the right of a religion to do virtually WTF it likes, but the individual is not protected and allowed the "free exercise of his religion" because the religion he has just left can blackmail his family ?
I think your Constitution needs a re-write if that is the case.
this is taken from the reasoning book, page 201. .
jesus said: if the world hates you, you know that it has hated me before it hated you.
if you were part of the world, the world would be fond of what is its own.
They were not "persecuted" in 1918/19, they were convicted for breaking the Law of the land in war time. They were never exonerated, as they claim, it was simply decided not to re-try them as the War was over,so Rutherford and cronies remained free for reasons of cost.
They are not persecuted anywhere today for simply being Christs brothers, or claiming to be such, they suffer because they are an obnoxious cult that causes unecessary deaths through their erroneous and murderous blood doctrine.
No wonder they are spoken against, and rightly so, but again, who berates them for being christian ? no one.
They never have, and never will, fit the criteria needed to fulfill any Bible prophecy.
..is there any?
bear in mind what jesus himself said: john 15:24 new international version (niv) 24 if i had not done among them the works no one else did, they would not be guilty of sin.
as it is, they have seen, and yet they have hated both me and my father..
Not one bit of proof, they are self-appointed liers.
what would the wt do if say, a country or countries enacted a law that made shunnung illegal?.
punishable by time in prison or heavy fines?.
would they have the gall to 'obey god as ruler' rather than man, and actually continue the practice in defiance of the law even though they would incur the wrath of governments?
You guys in Americee keep quoting the sacred First Amendment as though anything a religion does cannot be challenged in law.
Nonsense, the F.A assures USA citizens that they are safe in the "free exercise of their religion", now if my religion happens to demand that I commit polygamy or incest, will the law not touch me ? Can I claim exemption ? No.
What if my religion demands that I discipline my child in some inhuman way, would that go unchallenged ?
I believe that to remove the shunning practice by Law would not contradict the F.A in any way, the JW's would be free to worshiip in their own way, just not free to discilpline ex or present members as they had done.
The judicial and discipinary procedures of a group like the WT/JW's are not part of their worship, thouh they would claim they are I guess.
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ok, finally here is an abbreviated version of my story.
Welcome at last ! thanks for your story, it well illustrates what most of us experienced, the weakness of the so called "truth". As soon as a few cracks begin to appear, it is no time at all until the wholw house of cards tumbles down.
Then begins the process of extricating yourself from the WT. Not easy for us born-ins.
I wish you well, may you have continued success and happiness, things that only "escapees" from the borg can have, those stuck in are not free to be happy.
i just looked over some of the charities that exist as non profit organizations.. what surprised me was that wicca is also recognized there as a non profit status.
could the wts really lose this status?
I think this is an area where if enough of us lobby the relevant authorities, in the U.K it is the Charity Commission, we culd get them investigated at least.
I know the C.C here say they have insufficient funds to thoroughly investigate all charities, but ahuge campaign could start something, after all, WTF do they do that is truly charitable ?
this is taken from the reasoning book, page 199.. .
"according to the bible, the line of witnesses of jehovah reaches back to faithful abel.
hebrews 11:412:1 says: by faith abel offered god a sacrifice of greater worth than cain .
I had exactly the same thought as LWT above, today's Jehovah's Witnesses are in a religion that is unrecognisable compared to the religion of the same name I was born in to in 1950.
It changes all the time, a good way of puting it to a JW is "When did the "Truth" become the "Truth" ?" they will tie themselves in knots with "Noo Lite" blather, but the fact remains that once they change major doctrine it is not the religion you joined, and of course, the rejected doctrine could not have been truth.
Also the fact is that the connection between Rutherford and the religion he wrought and Chazzer Russell's is tenuous, Rutherford set about changing all of Russell's unique ideas as soon as he got control.
They have no other link with the past that stands scrutiny, who was the link that Russell took the baton from ?
To try to give themselves some historical legitamacy is laughable.
yesterday, i opened a topix account so i could post the information about watch tower representatives attending the political ocse meeting in poland for two weeks and the proof that they are an ngo.
one of the posters responded with these words: .
"barbs-info," eh?
I see what you are saying O.H, but we *disesed minded" Apostates have no morals, didn't you know ?so we can name call without hypocrisy.
yesterday, i opened a topix account so i could post the information about watch tower representatives attending the political ocse meeting in poland for two weeks and the proof that they are an ngo.
one of the posters responded with these words: .
"barbs-info," eh?
I see what you are saying O.H, but we *disesed minded" Apostates have no morals, didn't you know ?so we can name call without hypocrisy.
SORRY, double post, as I am back, I too think Barb and Joe should involve the law if possible, but certainly the site owners and administrators in getting something done about hateful speech which is acall to violence, it is no small matter.