In your opinion B.O.R was the First Amendment adopted to protect only religious and other institutions, or to protect individuals as well ?
Posts by wobble
Watchtower Hate Speech and Intimidation Might be a Violation of US Federal Law
by DT inthe united states is more lenient than most countries when it comes to hate speech and allowing organised religions to have their way, even when they hurt others.
however, there are limits.
i found a federal law that seems strangely relevant to recent watchtower articles that labels former members as "mentally diseased" and discuss the "slaughter of apostates".
The way I see it Jesus must have had a wife at some point
by sabastious inthe jesus figure in the bible, accross almost all christian denominations, is one of redemption for humankind.
the way that jesus accomplishes that redemption, however, differs between them.
according to the gospels god, or god's son, lived a man's life and died as a man in redemption of mankind.
You may be on tosomething Sab, we can't have Jesus being seen as either hypocritical or incompetent.
Over here in the U.K they are screening an Irish sit-com called "Mrs Brown's Boys" , hilarious stuff, very Irish.
In the episode I watched the other night, Mrs Brown says to the local Priest on the matter of marriage :
"If you don't play the game, don't make the rules"
That could be levelled at Jesus if he were truly celibate.
Despite all of the above, I think the words he is supposed to have spoken about looking at a woman lustfully are very true, and a salutary warning for those in a relationship who intend to remain faithful.
What would the WT do if anti shunning laws were passed?
by Aussie Oz inwhat would the wt do if say, a country or countries enacted a law that made shunnung illegal?.
punishable by time in prison or heavy fines?.
would they have the gall to 'obey god as ruler' rather than man, and actually continue the practice in defiance of the law even though they would incur the wrath of governments?
That would be the only wriggle room they had Alf, but what a difference that would make !!
So many JW's would actually start to listen to their own conscience in this matter, and from that could spring them actually developing their own conscience, instead of what most of them have today the "What does the Society say about this?" conscience.
JW's - Hard to admit that much of life was a waste
by xelder infrom my observations, i think many (especially older) jw's hold through the stupid doctrinal changes because they can't admit the alternative.. i had wished the jw kingdom hope was true, i needed it to be true.
i'm 5th generation and my parents, grandparents, great grand.....ect needed it to be true.
i have watched many "faithful" relatives hang on and die disappointed.
Yes, it is the "sunk cost" thinking of someone who has seen his investment in the stock market go down and down, he thinks "Well. if I just hang on, it is bound to come up again eventually"
The old ones think deep down, "Well, I have nothing to lose by staying now", and that is true, they have quite a lot to lose by leaving.
They will lose their life long "friends", their support system, their familiar place to go for worship, etc etc
As the O.P says, it is also hard to admit that for the whole of your life you have been so, so, wrong.
2011 Annual meeting information needed!
by Atlantis inbarbara anderson has already mentioned that she is swamped with emails.
she also needs date information on the 2011 annual meeting.. many thanks!.
My sister ,loving though she is, will not share anything "spiritual" with me. So, she may tell me about her time in the Big Apple, she is there till Thursday, but she won't say anything about what she heard at the AGM.
My older sister, in time, may spill something to me, especialy if it concerns something from the horses mouth (BULL'S ASS REALLY) stuff about the Big A being upon us or somesuch, she imagines that will frighten me in to going back to the cult.
So, I may be able to give some second hand, slightly embelleshed, stuff eventually.
Don't we have an insider who actually went ???
Proof that the Governing Body is directed by God..
by The Quiet One there any?
bear in mind what jesus himself said: john 15:24 new international version (niv) 24 if i had not done among them the works no one else did, they would not be guilty of sin.
as it is, they have seen, and yet they have hated both me and my father..
I try never to get mad at anybody, and I try to treat ladies as they should be,................... with extreme caution !
But it ain't that hard N.Drew, are you Jehovah ? or simply a girl detective ?
Proof that the Governing Body is directed by God..
by The Quiet One there any?
bear in mind what jesus himself said: john 15:24 new international version (niv) 24 if i had not done among them the works no one else did, they would not be guilty of sin.
as it is, they have seen, and yet they have hated both me and my father..
Sorry N.Drew, are you Jehovah ?
Why have you remained theists?
by Silent_Scream ini realize many on this forum are atheist, and theres many threads to show why.
some believe creationist lack knowledge or understanding and that we are too ignorant to realize there isn't a creator.. i have studied (not in depth) first year college science, and am studying medical/health currently.
i am also very interested in astronomy, and have learned a little in that area.
jaguarbass, you end up with Pascal's Wager, which was O.K for him, and for you.
I prefer the opposite wager, "If there is a God worth worshipping ,then He (She/It) will be a God of love, as, up until now, that God has made no effort to talk to me, and left me no sliver of proof that he exists, I am sure he won't mind if I live my life not bothering about him,if he does exist, it makes no difference"
As for the question about the bible or other "Holy" writings, they are all works of fiction of not very good quality and of no provenance whatsoever, waste of time.
Proof that the Governing Body is directed by God..
by The Quiet One there any?
bear in mind what jesus himself said: john 15:24 new international version (niv) 24 if i had not done among them the works no one else did, they would not be guilty of sin.
as it is, they have seen, and yet they have hated both me and my father..
They are a perfect reflection of that fictional character "Jehovah", and of course a fictional character is incabable of directing them, so again, no proof.
Why are Jehovahs Witnesses persecuted and spoken against?
by mankkeli inthis is taken from the reasoning book, page 201. .
jesus said: if the world hates you, you know that it has hated me before it hated you.
if you were part of the world, the world would be fond of what is its own.
Makes my point beautifully, they are being persecuted for refusing military service, something Jesus never spoke against, in fact if you were impressed in to service by the military you were to "go the extra mile ".
Now, I admire their stand immensely, but they are not being persecuted for following Christ, but for following the dictates of a few old men in New York who do not have to suffer any deprivations personally.